American Standard UV05 Condensate Overflow Indication optional F4, Outdoor Temp Sensor Failure F6

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Diagnostics and Service

Condensate Overflow Indication (optional) (F4)

The Condensate Overflow Indication fault will occur when the UVC detects high condensate levels within the units indoor coil drain pan.


Compressor is immediately de-energized if in cooling.

Outdoor fan (if present) is de-energized.

Fault is indicated.

Space Coil DX Temp Sensor Failure (F5)

The Space Coil DX Temp Sensor Failure fault occurs when the UVC detects open or short conditions from the sensor.


Compressor immediately de-energizes.

Outdoor fan (if present) de-energizes.

Fault is indicated.

Outdoor Temp Sensor Failure (F6)

The Outdoor Temp Sensor Failure fault occurs when the UVC detects open or short conditions from the sensor.


Outside air damper is forced closed.

Compressor immediately de-energizes.

Fault is indicated.

Discharge Air Temp Sensor Failure (F7)

The Discharge Air Temp Sensor Failure fault occurs when the UVC detects open or short conditions from the sensor. Emergency heat mode is available during this fault condition.


Space fan is immediately de-energized (unless in emergency heat mode).

Outside air damper is forced closed.

Electric heat stages are de-energized.

Compressor immediately de-energizes.

Outdoor fan (if present) immediately de-energizes.

Fault is indicated.

Outdoor Coil DX Temp Sensor Failure (F8)

The Outdoor Coil DX Temp Sensor Failure fault occurs when the UVC detects open or short conditions from the sensor.


Compressor immediately de-energizes.

Outdoor fan (if present) de-energizes.

Fault is indicated.

McQuay OM 751


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Contents Group Applied Systems DX Cooling Only Software Model UV05Date November Description of Operation UVC Configuration ParametersIntroduction Getting StartedAccessory-specific installation literature Model-specific unit ventilator installation literatureDescription Manual # Software program literature Extreme temperature can damage system componentsAcronyms and abbreviations Acronyms/AbbreviationsDescription Acronym Abr OCS Security Levels Using the Keypad/DisplayDisplay Format Keypad FunctionsArrow Keys Mode KeyON/STOP Key and LED FAN KeyChanging Set Points Using the Keypad/DisplayViewing Actual Indoor Air Temperature IAT Menu ReferenceRW1 Abr Description DefaultChlo State Programming Description of OperationUVC Unit Modes Complete UVC-state diagramDecimal OFF Mode StateUVC state names and numbers Normal UVC modes State namesFan Only Mode State a Night Purge Mode StateFull Heat State State Emergency Heat Mode Super StateCant Heat State State D Heat Mode Super State Auto ModeHeat State State Low Limit State State E Cool Mode Super StateCant Heat State State B Econ State State Cool mode super state diagramMech State State Econ Mech State StateCant Cool State State C Special Purpose Unit ModesDischarge Air DA Heat State State Low Limit State State FShutdown Mode Pressurize ModeDepressurize Mode Purge ModePriority result Unit Mode PrioritySpecial purpose UVC unit mode priority Normal UVC mode priorityOccupancy mode priority Occupied ModeUnoccupied Mode Standby ModeAdditional Occupancy Features Networked Set Point Offset Capability Space Temperature Set PointsNetworked Space Temperature Sensor Capability Networked Set Point CapabilityEffective Set Point Calculations Remote Wall-Mounted Sensor with +/-3F Adjustment optionalExample a Example B Given Set point calculation examplesEffective set point calculations PI loops Discharge Air Temperature ControlProportional Integral PI Control Loops PI loop listProportional Band PI Control ParametersIntegral Time Indoor Air Fan OperationOccupied, Standby, and Bypass Operation Outdoor Air Damper Operation Economizer Economizer enableOA temp sensor Space humidity Networked Space CO2 Sensor Capability Networked Space Humidity Sensor CapabilityNetworked Outdoor Humidity Sensor Capability CO2 Demand Controlled Ventilation optionalCompressor Cooling Lockout Compressor OperationAshrae Cycle Compressor EnvelopeOutdoor Air Fan Operation Compressor Minimum On and Off TimersCompressor Start Delay Floating-Point Actuator Auto-Zero, Overdrive and SyncExternal Binary Inputs Unoccupied Input SignalRemote Shutdown Input Signal Ventilation Lockout Input SignalExternal Binary Outputs Exhaust Interlock Input SignalLights On/Off Signal Fault SignalStart/Stop Calculation Exhaust Fan ON/OFF SignalAuxiliary Heat Signal Auxiliary heat start/stop calculationExpansion board Inputs and outputs, software model 05-DX cooling onlyAlarm and fault code summary Alarm and Fault MonitoringPriority Fault description Reset Keypad Discharge Air DX Cooling Low Limit Indication F3 DX Pressure Fault F1Compressor Envelope Fault F2 Space Temp Sensor Failure F0Discharge Air Temp Sensor Failure F7 Condensate Overflow Indication optional F4Space Coil DX Temp Sensor Failure F5 Outdoor Temp Sensor Failure F6Troubleshooting Temperature Sensors Temperature versus resistance Troubleshooting Humidity SensorsRH % VDC mV Troubleshooting Carbon Dioxide CO2 SensorsHumidity versus voltage CO2 versus voltage tableConfiguration Parameter Name Abr Default LUI Menu UVC configuration parameters OMAbr Default LUI Menu OAD Stroke Time Warranty