Hobart Welding Products 3025 Lift-Arc TIG Procedure, Touch Seconds Do not Strike Like a Match

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5-5. Lift-Arc TIG Procedure

1 2

1 – 2

“Touch” Seconds

Do NOT Strike Like A Match!

With Mode Switch in the Lift-Arc TIG position, start an arc as follows:

1TIG Electrode


Touch tungsten electrode to work- piece at weld start point, hold electrode to workpiece for 1-2 seconds, and slowly lift electrode. An arc will form when electrode is lifted.

Normal open-circuit voltage is not present before tungsten electrode touches workpiece; only a low sensing voltage is present between electrode and workpiece. The solid-state output contactor does not energize until after electrode is touching workpiece. This allows electrode to touch workpiece with- out overheating, sticking, or getting contaminated.

Ref. S-156 279


OM-492 Page 21

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Contents Processes OM-492Description From Hobart to You Table of Contents Page Arc Welding Hazards Symbol UsageElectric Shock can kill ARC Rays can burn eyes and skinEngine Hazards Moving Parts can cause injury Battery Explosion can BlindEngine Exhaust Gases can kill Engine Heat can cause fireEMF Information Principal Safety StandardsRadiation can cause interference ARC Welding can cause interferenceConsignes DE SÉ Curité Lire Avant Utilisation Signification des symbolesUN Choc É Lectrique peut tuer LES Fumé ES ET LES GAZ peuvent ê tre dangereuxDES Particules Volantes peuvent blesser les yeux LE Soudage peut provoquer un in- cendie ou une explosionDES PIÈ CES Chaudes peuvent provoquer des brû lures graves LE Bruit peut affecter l’ouïe’EXPLOSION DE LA Batterie peut DES Organes Mobiles peuvent provoquer des blessuresLA Chaleur DU Moteur peut pro- voquer un incendie LA Chute DE L’APPAREIL peut blesserInformation sur les champs é lectromagné tiques Principales normes de sé curitéLE Soudage À L’ARC risque de provoquer des interfé rences Consignes relatives aux stimulateurs cardiaquesSymbol Definitions SpecificationsWeld, Power, And Engine Specifications DefinitionsDimensions Dimensions, Weights, and Operating AnglesDuty Cycle And Overheating OverheatingCV Mode CC ModeVolt-Ampere Curves Installing Welding Generator InstallationFuel Consumption Movement Airflow Clearance Do not lift unit from endEngine Prestart Checks Keep radiator and air intake clean and free of dirtFull 13 mm Diesel Fuel Do not use gasoline. Gasoline will damage engineAdding Coolant To Radiator Connecting The BatteryConnecting To Weld Output Terminals Installing Exhaust PipeRemote 14 Receptacle RC5 Information Selecting Weld Cable Sizes100 ft 30 m Or Less 10 100% Duty CycleOM-492 Controls See Section Operating Welding GeneratorDescription Of Controls See Section Mode Meter Reading At Idle Meter Reading While Welding Mode Switch SettingsMode Switch Setting Process Output On/Off Control Meter FunctionsTouch Seconds Do not Strike Like a Match Lift-Arc TIG ProcedureThree-Phase 240 Auxiliary Power Receptacles And Circuit BreakersOperating Auxiliary Equipment Weld Total 120Plug Wired for 120/240 Load. See circuit diagramWire Load 120V Plug Wired for 240 V, 2-Wire LoadMaintenance and Troubleshooting 800 h 500 h1000 h 2000 hMaintenance Label To Clean air filter Servicing Air CleanerDo not clean housing with air hose Servicing Optional Spark ArrestorServicing Engine Lubrication And Fuel Systems Servicing Engine Cooling System Adjusting Idle Speed Adjusting Engine SpeedAdjusting Weld/Power Speed Weld Speed Jam Nut Adjustment ScrewOverload Protection Voltmeter/Ammeter Help Displays Welding TroubleshootingTrouble Remedy No power output Reset circuit breakers see Section Auxiliary PowerNecessary parts Engine CT1 Reset circuit breaker CB9 see SectionOM-492 Circuit Diagram For Welding Generator Electrical Diagrams200 Wetstacking RUN-IN ProcedureLoad Bank Run-In Procedure Using Load BankWelding Generator Weld Cables Do not touch hot exhaust Run-In Procedure Using Resistance GridBank/grid From flammablesSelecting Equipment Auxiliary Power GuidelinesGrounding Generator To Truck Or Trailer Frame How Much Power Does Equipment Require? Grounding When Supplying Building SystemsEarth ground if supplying Amperes x Volts = WattsApproximate Power Requirements For Farm/Home Equipment Approximate Power Requirements For Industrial MotorsIndustrial Motors Rating Starting Watts Running Watts Farm/Home Equipment Rating Starting Watts Running WattsContractor Rating Starting Watts Running Watts Approximate Power Requirements For Contractor EquipmentHow Much Power Can Generator Supply? Power Required To Start MotorSingle-Phase Induction Motor Starting Requirements KVA/HP x HP xTypical Connections To Supply Standby Power Current Load Watts Amperes Selecting Extension Cord Use Shortest Cord Possible112 Parts List104 103 102 101 100 105 109 108 107 1064746 8988 Item Dia Part Mkgs Description Quantity PLG11 Front Panel Front Panel -5, Item Inverter Assembly Inverter Assembly -5, Item Generator Support ServiceHobart Welding Products Contact your Distributor forCall