Vertical Drilling Motor, Type GE752, GEK±91584D
16.Remove the framehead. It will come with the bearing outer race and bearing rollers.
17.Pull the inner bearing race off the drive end of the shaft with puller (Part 6751547G5).
18.Remove flinger (49) and inner bearing cap (51) with puller (Part 6751547G6) by inserting the four puller bolts into tapped holes in the inner bearing cap.
19.If necessary, remove inner sleeve (50) with puller (Part 6751547G7).
20.Press the outer bearing race and rollers from the framehead with an arbor press.
NOTE: Before pressing the drive±end outer bearing race out of the framehead, observe and record the number on the face of the race which is opposite the arrow on framehead. After re- moval, mark the date (with electric pencil) un- der this number to indicate that this position has been used. Reassemble the bearing with another number opposite the arrow. If the bear- ing has not been previously marked, etch Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4 (spaced 90 degrees apart) on the face of race with an electric pencil. Locate No. 1 opposite the arrow on the framehead and mark it with the date.
21.Install puller (Part 6751547G10) and pull spacer
(43)from the commutator end of shaft.
22.Install puller (Part 6751547G6) and pull bearing housing (46) with bearing (44) from the shaft.
23.Press ball bearing (44) from bearing housing
(46)using an arbor press.
24.If applied, remove the nilos ring (4), Fig. 39, from the bearing and discard.
25.If applied, remove the seal ring (5), Fig. 39, from the sleeve and discard.
26.Install puller (Part 6751547G11) and pull sleeve
(45)from the shaft.
27.If it is necessary to remove the commutator end framehead (56), place the frame commutator
end up and remove bolts (11) and lockwashers (12). Use bolts in the framehead jackout holes to break the fit and remove the framehead.
Armature Removal From Frame
CAUTION: When lifting the armature out of the frame, proceed slowly so that no damage will occur to the armature end±windings, bear- ings, bearing fits or the commutator.
Models US1, AUT
Before turning the machine from horizontal to verti- cal (or vice±versa), attach the armature locking ar- rangement to prevent the armature from moving axially. Remove the armature locking arrangement before op- erating the machine.
See Table 2 to determine the correct armature lock- ing arrangement drawing.
Refer to the longitudinal drawing, Fig. 18, and puller tool drawings, Figs. 16 and 17.
1.Clean the outside of the frame, using com- pressed air, a steam±jenny or cleaning solvents, to remove accumulated dirt.
2.Remove the coupling hub from the shaft, if not al- ready removed.
3.Remove the commutator covers. Disconnect and remove all brushes, and wrap heavy paper around the commutator for protection during handling.
4.Install puller tool (Part 6751547G4) and pull the sleeve (6) from the commutator end of the shaft.
5.Remove bolts (10) which hold the bearing cap and the bearing housing to the commutator±end framehead. Remove the bearing cap (8) and gasket (11).
6.Turn the machine on end on a stand, commuta- tor end down, and level it so that the armature can be lifted vertically out of the frame without damaging the bearings, commutator or brush- holders.
7.Screw three guide pins into the commutator±end bearing housing (3) to help guide the armature out of the frame.