Vertical Drilling Motor, Type GE752, GEK±91584D
3.Check winding insulation continuity to ground with a 500 volt megger. If the megger reading is less than 2 megohms, the winding should be baked or dried until the moisture content is suffi- ciently reduced to raise the megger reading to 2 megohms.
4.An electrical source of heat is best for drying as it can be easily regulated and is clean. Proceed as follows:
NOTE: Before drying windings, consideration must be given to bearings and lubricants. Not only can bearing lubricants be damaged by heat, but they can also deteriorate with age. For this reason, it us usually best to remove bear- ings before drying and repack with new grease before reassembly.
a.Remove the armature from the frame and re- move bearings from the armature shaft.
b.Heat the frame and armature until dried suffi- ciently to obtain the 2 megohm reading.
c.Pack bearings with new grease. Refer to the DATA table for the proper grease. Refer to the appropriate bearing illustration for the proper amount of grease.
d.Reassemble the motor.
e.If facilities are available, give the reas- sembled machine a running test to check the bearings.
Refer to Figs. 48 and 49 for outline drawings.