GE manual Testing After Overhaul, Testing Series Machines, Models 5GE752AUP, AUT

Page 67

Vertical Drilling Motor, Type GE752, GEK±91584D

CAUTION: Zero settings of advance gauge

hub is nearly in engagement with the taper fit (not

in actual contact), snap it forcibly into place with a

must not be disturbed until all readings on the

quick push. It is important that the hot hub be in-

hub are completed.

stantly snapped into position before it has



cooled; otherwise, it will freeze to the shaft and

Heat the hub in an oven until it has reached a uni-

cannot be adjusted further.


form temperature (the desired number of de-

6. Check the hot or shrunk±on position of the hub

grees above shaft temperature). For example, if

on the shaft. The advance from cold to hot posi-

shaft temperature is 25￿ C (77￿ F), heat hub to

tion along the axis of the shaft must be held with-

25￿ C (77￿ F) +171￿ C (339￿ F) = 196￿ C (385￿

in the limits indicated. Check the actual advance

F). This procedure should provide an advance of

with an indicator gauge, located in the same rela-

approximately 0.085 in.

tive position as used to measure the cold position


An accurate method must be provided for mea-

in Step 3, Fig. 41.


suring hub and shaft temperatures quickly be-

If the advance is not within specified limits, re-

fore mounting the hub. This can best be done

move the hub and repeat the assembly proce-

with a hand pyrometer. In using the pyrometer,


place points of the gauge inside the bore of the


hub, Fig. 42.


NOTE: The part must be left in the oven long


enough for the heat to penetrate throughout the

(Models 5GE752AUP, AUT)



Measure the temperature of the shaft and the hub with the same instrument.

5.Insure that the hub bore and the shaft taper are clean. Then, using adequate hand protection, quickly mount the hot hub on the shaft in the same angular position as when cold. When the


GAUGE. E±5975A.

After the motor has been reconditioned and reas- sembled, make the following tests to assure it will oper- ate satisfactorily.

Connect the motor to a d±c arc±welding generator, Fig. 7. Refer to connection diagrams, Figs. 22 and 24, for connections. Run the machine series±connected without load at 900 rpm and measure bearing tempera- tures.

1.Use Duxseal* putty to hold the thermometers on the drive end and commutator±end outer bear-







Image 67
Contents Vertical Drilling Motor Type GE752 ContentsIntroduction General DescriptionGEK±91584D, Vertical Drilling Motor, Type GE752 Model Differences Vertical Drilling Motor, Type GE752, GEK±91584DData Contd Model DifferencesCarbon Brushes Data ContdPole Bore Diameter measured at center of pole Motors Min Max Motor Ratings Continuous Max. HP Shunt UP Grounding Instructions Special Tools EquipmentGrease Tubes and Pipe Plugs Grounding Procedures FigOverhaul LubricationCovers, Seals, Latches Inspection MonthlyBrushholders Fig Brush Spring Pressure Brushholder SleevesFlash Ring BrushesCommutator Creepage BandBrushholder Replacement Basic Repairs Brush ReplacementSEMI±ANNUALLY Brushholder Clearance Adjustment InstallationCommutator Resurfacing Hand Stoning Procedure Sanding ProcedureFixture Grinding Grinder InstallationCommutator GRINDER. E±18249 ±19771A GrindingAir Curing Commutator Testing Before DisassemblyBasic Overhaul Armature Removal From Frame DisassemblyMegohmmeter Test Bar±To±Bar Resistance TestCOMMUTATOR±END Bearing Pilot Longitudinal D732922 CHG. N. E±28621D Models See , Description Puller Tools 41D731569 CHG . E±14383C Puller TOOLS. E±18155A Models US1, AUT Longitudinal D735357, CHG. A. E±37949B Models See Table Steam Cleaning CleaningArmature Vapor DegreasingAnti±Friction Bearings/Shaft Tapers/Bearing Fits Bearing InspectionArmature Shaft Inspection CommutatorMotor Frame Armature Insulation 41D731545 CHG. F. E±18156A See Note Lubrication of Bolts BrushholdersConnection Diagram 493A210 CHG . E±39092B Diameter Creepage Band ReplacementRewinding Armature Riser WidthTorque Wrench Acceptable Method ProcedureCommutator Tightening Hydraulic Press Preferred MethodCommutator Resurfacing Spin Seasoning Commutator Assembled On ArmatureTo Change Motor Direction TurningConnection Diagram 41A330278, CHG . E±38055B Connection Diagram 41A330179, CHG. A. E±37950A ±4270B RakingRewound Armature Resistance MeasurementTest After Repair Armature High Potential Test Used ArmatureMotor Frame Field Coil ReplacementCoil Installation Procedure for New Coil±Pole AssemblyCoiled Frame Assembly 41D732353 CHG. N. E±39094A Models See , Coiled Frame Assembly 41D732345 CHG. V. E±39095A BOX Ground A1 and A2 View AT E Cables with P65 Coiled Frame Assembly 41D735440, CHG. A. E±38056B Description Magnet Frame Coiled Frame Assembly 41D735343, CHG. C. E±37951C Hardened Washer 1 1/4 Gas Torch Brazing Brazing Coil TerminalsTest After Repair Flood Dipping Coiled FrameCoiled Frame Without Armature Balancing Armature ReassemblyVarnish Treatment Armature All Models Except US2, UP6, AUT2 and AUP5 Armature BearingsDrive±End Bearing Figs , 35, 36 Commutator±End BearingDRIVE±END Bearing ASSEMBLY. E±18166E Models US2, UP6, AUT2 and AUP5 DRIVE±END Bearing ASSEMBLY. E±39301DRIVE±END Bearing Assembly 41B537821, CHG. B. E±37952B Models UP and AUP Armature Assembly Into FrameCOMMUTATOR±END Bearing Assembly 41B532745 CHG. F. E±39090A COMMUTATOR-END Bearing Assembly 41B538068 CHG . E-39300 Checking Internal Clearance Brush Installation Hub Fitting HUB MountingHub Mounting Testing Series Machines Testing After OverhaulModels 5GE752AUP, AUT Unventilated Testing Shunt Machines Models 5GE752UP and USMotor Operation Ventilated 2300 cfm at 7.6 in. H2O at Commutator ChamberShipping Cleaning and SlushingRemoving Armature Locking Arrangement Locking the Armature For ShipmentPreparation of BOX SkiddingProtection ArmaturesStorage Placing Into Storage Boxing the ArmatureShipping BOX with Armature Less COVER. E±3784 Removing from StorageVertical Drilling Motor, Type GE752, GEK±91584D OUTLINE, UP and AUP 41E903631 CHG. H. E±28755B Hole Grease Vent Tube Grease Tube Holes REF OUTLINE, US1, AUT 41E903745, CHG. A. E±37954B ºDº ºBº Vertical Drilling Motor, Type GE752, GEK±91584D GE Transportation Systems