Additional Safety for Drum Sanders
FEEDING STOCK. Do not stand in the direct path of a workpiece at the infeed end when feed- ing your stock. Never sand more than one piece of stock at a time. DO NOT jam the workpiece into the machine during operation. Firmly grasp the workpiece in both hands and ease it into the machine using light pressure.
MINIMUM STOCK DIMENSIONS. Do not sand any stock thinner than 1⁄8", narrower than 2", or shorter than 8". Do not sand thin stock by using a “dummy” board under your workpiece.
SAFETY COVERS. All covers must be closed and in place before starting machine.
CLOTHING. Do not wear loose clothing while operating this machine. Roll up or button long sleeves at the cuff.
HAND PROTECTION. Do not place hands near, or in contact with, sanding drum during operation. DO NOT allow fingers to get pinched between board and conveyor belt during operation. This may pull the operator’s hand into the machine and cause serious injury!
DUST COLLECTION SYSTEM. Never operate the sander without an adequate dust collection system in place and running.
INSPECTING WORKPIECES. Always inspect every workpiece for nails, staples, knots, and other imperfections that could be dislodged and thrown from the machine during sanding opera- tions. Do not use workpieces with these defects.
EXPERIENCING DIFFICULTIES. Any problem, with the exception of conveyor belt tracking, that is concerned with any moving parts or accesso- ries, must be investigated and corrected with the power disconnected, and after all moving parts have come to a complete stop.
MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENTS. Never attempt to adjust conveyor belt tracking when the sanding drum is running.
Perform machine inspections and maintenance service promptly when called for. Disconnect power before performing maintenance or adjust- ments to the sander.
RESPIRATOR AND SAFETY GLASSES. Always wear a respirator and safety glasses while operat- ing the machine. Dust and chips are created when sanding. Some debris will be ejected, becoming hazards to the eyes and lungs.
Model G0459/G0459P (Mfg. 7/11+) |