refer to section 4.6 for timer/counter operation. This mode is ideal for high speed A/D conversion. It can be combined with the FIFO half full interrupt or EOC interrupt to transfer data. It is also possible to use software FIFO polling to transfer data. The A/D trigger, A/D data transfer and Interrupt can be set independently, most of the complex applications can thus be covered.
It's recommend to use this mode if your applications need a fixed and precise A/D sampling rate.
External Trigger (EITS=1, TPST=don‘t care)
Through the
4.1.4A/D Data Transfer Modes
The A/D data are buffered in the FIFO memory. The FIFO size on
The data must be transferred to host memory after the date is ready and before the FIFO is full. On the
Software Data Polling
The software data polling is the easiest way to transfer A/D data. This mode can be used with software A/D trigger mode. After the A/D conversion is triggered by software, the software should poll the FF_EF bit of the A/D status register until it becomes low level.
If the FIFO is empty before the A/D start, the FF_EF bit will be low. After the A/D is completed, the A/D data is written to FIFO mmediately, therefore the FF_EF becomes high. You can consider the FF_EF bit as converted data ready status. That is, FF_EF is high means the data is ready. Note that, while A/D is converted, the ADBUSY bit is low. After A/D conversion, the ADBUSY become high to indicate not busy. Please do NOT use this bit to poll the AD data.
26 ∙ Operation Theorem