HP De s k J e t an d De s k Writ e r P rin t e rs | S e rv ic e an d S u p p o rt Re s o u rc e s |
Hewlett-Packard Telephone Support
Technical Phone Support for Customers
The HP Customer Support Center provides free live technical assistance for peripherals during the hardware warranty of the product. If the product is still under warranty, the customer should call (208)
The customer can call 1 (900)
The customer can call 1 (800)
(The above prices are subject to change without notice)
To ensure the call is dealt with quickly, have the following information ready:
The product model number and serial number.
The operating system version and the configuration.
A description of the software installed and the accessories used.
HP North American Customer Support Center
Assistance from the
1 (303)
HP European Customer Support Center
Assistance from the
Int Code + 31 (20)