HP De s k J e t an d De s k Writ e r P rin t e rs P rin t e r Re p air Fe e d b ac k I n f o rmat io n
HP Printer Repair Sheet
N o t e To print this form, select “Print” under the “File” menu.
Company Information
Company name: __________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________
Phone number:____________________________________________
Your name: ______________________________________________
Printer Information
Printer model: ____________________________________________
Serial number: ____________________________________________
Date of purchase: __________________________________________
Date that you are sending the printer: ___________________________
Customer code: ___________________________________________
Failure is:
Occasionally intermittent: ___
Frequently intermittent: ___
Continuous: ___
Brand and model of your computer: ____________________________
Version of software you are using: _____________________________
The driver you are using: ____________________________________
Other information about the problem: ___________________________
Included Information
Check the following if able to provide additional troubleshooting information.
___Sample printout included
___Unable to print the printer
___Actions taken to resolve the problem and the results