HP De s k J e t an d De s k Writ e r P rin t e rs | O b t ain in g P rin t e r Driv e rs |
Obtaining Printer Drivers
Updates to the HP Printer Driver software occur periodically. New versions can be obtained from authorized
24-hour modem access
HP BBS Library
HP's electronic bulletin board library service is available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day for your convenient access to HP printer drivers and support information.
In the United States (for the following baud rates: 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 14400), call (208)
In the United Kingdom (for baud rates up to 14400) call, 44 (1344) 361891.
Set your modem communications software to N,8,1.
Printer drivers and interactive sharing of technical information are available on CompuServe's HP Peripherals forum
To subscribe in the United States, call CompuServe, Inc., at
To subscribe in the United Kingdom, call
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