Order in Which the Tests are Performed
Checkpoint | POST Routine Description | |
Code | ||
| ||
| |
9Fh | Determine number of ATA and SCSI drives | |
| |
A0h | Set time of day | |
| |
A2h | Check key lock | |
| |
A4h | Initialize typematic rate | |
| |
A8h | Erase F2 prompt | |
| |
AAh | Scan for F2 key stroke | |
| |
ACh | Enter SETUP | |
| |
AEh | Clear IN POST flag | |
| |
B0h | Check for errors | |
| |
B2h | POST done - prepare to boot operating system | |
| |
B5H | Terminate QuietBoot | |
| |
B6h | Check password (optional) | |
| |
B8h | Clear global descriptor table | |
| |
B9h | Clean up all graphics | |
| |
BAh | Initialize DMI parameters | |
| |
BBh | Initialize PnP Option ROMs | |
| |
BCh | Clear parity checkers | |
| |
BDh | Display MultiBoot menu | |
| |
BEh | Clear screen optional | |
| |
BFh | Check virus and backup reminders | |
| |
C0h | Try to boot with INT 19 | |
| |
C1h | Initialize POST Error Manager (PEM) | |
| |
C2h | Initialize error logging | |
| |
C3h | Initialize error display function | |
| |
C4h | Initialize system error handling | |