• This function works only in the Play mode. page 17
• You can fi nd a desired movie image quickly using thumbnail index views.
• You can also use the
1. Slide the POWER switch downwards to turn on the power and press the MODE button to set Play ( ).
• Set the appropriate storage media.
2. Touch the Movie ( ) tab.
• The thumbnail index view appears.
• To change the current thumbnail page, touch the up ( ) or down (
) tab.
3. Touch a desired movie image.
• The selected movie image is played according to Play Option setting. page 64
• Drag your fi nger from left to right to select the previous image on the LCD screen, reverse to select the next image.
• To stop playback and return to thumbnail index view, touch the Return () tab.
• The play related tabs disappear on the screen a few seconds after the image plays back. They reappear when you touch any point on the screen.
• Depending on the amount of data to be played back, it may take some time for the playback images to appear.
• Movies edited on a PC cannot be displayed on this HD camcorder.
• Movies recorded on another camcorder may not be played on this HD camcorder.
• The play is paused when you touch the menu () tab during playing.
Adjusting the volume
•Touch the Volume () tab on the LCD screen.
-You can control the volume by using decrease () or increase (
) tab on the LCD screen.
-The level can be adjusted anywhere between 00 and 19.
-You can perform the same operation by using the remote control. (/
•You can hear the recorded sound from the built- in speaker.
•If you close the LCD screen while playing, you will not hear the sound from the speaker.
39_ English
� |
� |
| 80 |
| Min |
1 / 2 |
00:00:20 / 00:30:00 | 80 |
Min | |
00:00:20 / 00:30:00 | 80 |
Min | |
•此功能僅能在播放模式下操作。 第 17 頁
•您還可以使用遙控器上的播放相關按鈕。 第 40 頁
1.向下滑動 POWER 開關以開啟電源,並按下 MODE 按
鈕以設定播放 ( )。
2.觸摸影片 ( ) 標籤。
•要變更目前縮略頁面,可觸摸向上 () 或向下
() 標籤。
•根據播放選項設定來播放所選擇的影片影像。 第 64 頁
•將手指從左邊拖放至右邊以選擇 LCD 螢幕上的上一 張影像,反向操作便可選擇下一張影像。
() 標籤。
• 播放幾秒鐘後,播放相關標籤會從螢幕上消失。 當您觸摸螢幕的任何一處時,標籤會重新出現。
•因播放的資料數量不同,可能稍後才會出現播放 影像。
•在電腦上編輯的影片在此 HD 攝錄放影機上無法 顯示。
•在另一台攝錄放影機上錄製的影片在此 HD 攝錄 放影機上可能無法播放。
•當您在播放期間觸摸選單 () 標籤時,會暫 停播放。
•觸摸 LCD 螢幕上的音量 ( ) 標籤。
-您可以透過使用 LCD 螢幕上的調低 ( ) 或調高
( ) 標籤來控制音量。
-可在 00 至 19 等級中隨意調整。
( /
•如果在播放時關閉 LCD 螢幕,則您將無法從喇 叭中聽到聲音。
臺灣 _39