Heat & Glo LifeStyle 6000 XLT, 8000 DVTFL Standing Pilot Only, Replacement Parts and Accessories

Page 43
Standing Pilot Only

All parts listed in this INSTALLERS GUIDE may be ordered from an authorized dealer. When requesting service or replacement parts for your fireplace, please provide the model number and the serial number.

Standing Pilot Only





Valve LP (8000 & 6000’S)



Valve NG (8000 & 6000’S)



Valve LP (SL-42DVT)



VAlve NG (SL-42DVT)



Piezo Ignitor









Pilot Orifice LP



Pilot Orifice NG



Pilot Assembly LP



Pilot Assembly NG



Pilot Tube



Burner Tube






6000 Models







Parts and



Image 43
Contents 8000 DVTFL Underwriters Laboratories ListedInstallers Guide Heat-N-GloFireplaceTHIS UNIT IS NOT FOR USE WITH SOLID FUEL SAFETY AND WARNING INFORMATIONPROHIBITED Table of Contents High Altitude Installations Approvals and Codesand Codes Installation CodesANY SUCH ACTION MAY POSSIBLY CAUSE A FIRE HAZARD Pre-installationPreparationIntroducing the Heat-N-Glo Gas Fireplaces Getting StartedFigure 1. Diagram of 8000DVTFL Page Figure 3. Diagram of SL-42DVT Step Locating the Fireplace Installing the FireplaceClearance Requirements CONSTRUCTION BEGINS Step Framing the FireplaceVERIFY FRAMING METHODS AND WALL COVERING DETAILS, BEFORE FRAMINGA. Vent System Approvals Step Installing the Vent SystemDV-12D DV-90DDV-45D DV-48D DV-36D4-inchinner pipe/6 5/8-inchouter pipe VERTICAL VENTING V FT 40 MAX. 12.4 M Figure 9. Vertical VentingNOTE MODEL 6000 ARCH ATTACHED TO THE UNIT, THE Model 6000XLT & 8000DVTFLFOR SL-42DVT NOTE: IF A 90 ELBOW IS FIRSTH1 V H VENTING WITH TWO 2 90 ELBOWSFigure 11. Venting with two 90 elbows NOTE MODEL 6000 ARCHH V1 V VENTING WITH TWO 2 90 ELBOWSFigure 12. Venting with two 90 elbows NOTE: MODEL 6000 ARCHFigure 13. Venting with three 90 elbows VENTING WITH THREE 3 90 ELBOWSNOTE: MODEL 6000 ARCH Figure 14. Venting with three 90 elbows VENTING WITH THREE 3 90 ELBOWSB. Installing Vent Components ENSURE THAT THE FIBERGLASS •Place the pipe supports around the vent pipe 3. Install Support BracketsTo install support brackets for horizontal runs Figure 17. Adding Venting ComponentsModel DVK-01TRDand SLK-01TRDdo not need Figure 18. Installing Support Brackets4. Install Firestops For Horizontal Runs - Firestops are REQUIREDFigure 19. Hole and Vent Pipe Figure 22. Ceiling Firestop Ceiling Side Figure 21. Hole and New Framing MembersFigure 23. Attic Firestop C. Vent TerminationFigure 24. Round and Trapezoid Termination Caps TERMINATION CAPS VINYL SIDING, IT IS NECESSARY TO INSTALLIF EXTERIOR WALLS ARE FINISHED WITH THE VINYL PROTECTOR KIT TO THE TOP OFon the outside of the building MAJOR U.S. BUILDING CODESRoof Pitch Fireplace Step Positioning Leveling, and Securing theStep The Gas Control Systems DO NOT USE AN OPEN FLAME TO CHECK FOR GAS LEAKS Step The Gas Supply LineFigure 28. Gas Controls Systems 13 mm hook-upat the unitNatural Gas Step Gas Pressure RequirementsFigure 29. Gas Supply Line PressureFor Standing Pilot Ignition Wiring Step Wiring the FireplaceERRORS CAN CAUSE IMPROPER AND Electrical wiring must be installed by a licensedLABEL ALL WIRES PRIOR TO DISCONNECTION WHEN SERVICING CONTROLS. WIRINGStep Finishing Hearth Extensions Step Installing Trim Logs, and Ember MaterialSave the log instructions with this manual Positioning the LogsPlacing the Ember Material Figure 36. Placement of the Ember Material Figure 35. Glass Assembly1.Lift the trim door up and out of the unit Double-checkfor faulty components Lighting the Fireplace After the InstallationStep Before Lighting the Fireplace Step Review safety warnings and cautionsYOUR FIREPLACE Fireplace MaintenanceMaintaining and Servicing Your Fireplace TURN OFF THE GAS BEFORE SERVICINGFigure 38. Pilot/Ignitor Flame Patterns Figure 37. Burner Flame PatternsPART DESCRIPTION Replacement Parts and AccessoriesStanding Pilot Only PARTPART DESCRIPTION DSI Ignition Only8000DVTFL, 6000DVTFL, 6000ARCH, SL-42DVT PARTBoth Standing Pilot and DSI Ignition PART AccessoriesBoth Standing Pilot and DSI Ignition Cont ACCESSORY