Flat Filter Sections
Flat filter sections are space saving and economical. Choose either two inch or four inch filters. The two inch filters can be the throwaway, the 35% pleated, or the high velocity cleanable type. Four inch filters are 35% pleated, they have more filter surface than two inch filters. Four inch filters impose less static on air flow and do not need to changed as often as two inch filters. The filters slide into metal channels and are removable from either side of the section.
Flat Filter Section
High Capacity Filter Sections
Designed for high air volume applications. Filters are arranged in a V or W pattern for the greatest surface possible which provides extended filter life and reduced resistance to air flow. This means less fan horsepower. The sections have access doors on each side to ease filter change.
High capacity
Filter Section
High Efficiency Filter Sections
High Efficiency Filter Sections
Select 22", 28", or 44" bag filter sections. Choose medium or high efficiency bag or cartridge filters for this section. See pages 9, 29, 42, and 43. Sections are complete with prefilter and bag filter tracks. The sections have an extruded aluminum final filter track with a reinforced nylon pile seal. The postive seal forces the air flow through the high efficiency final filter.
Extruded Aluminum
Filter Track
Final Filter Tracks Have
Reinforced Nylon Pile
For A Postive Seal
Mix Box Sections
The Mixbox is an entering air section. Typically, themixbox accepts air from two sources. Many system designers economize performance by varying the two air flows to deliver conditioned air with minimum energy consumption. Mixbox sections are constructed with heavy gauge mill galvanized steel. Select from three inlet opening locations: the air can enter through openings at the top, at the back, or at the bottom of the section. Order the mixbox with or without dampers. The section with dampers has parallel blades at each opening and an interconnecting linkage between the openings. The damper rods rotate in frictionless sleeve bearings, and the drive rod extends from both sides of the section for either left or right hand drive.
Face And Bypass Dampers
For damper applications, choose either the internal face and bypass section or the external face and bypass section. If used with a large coil the damper section must be the external face and bypass damper type. When used with a small coil, select the internal face and bypass damper section. The damper sections have balanced opposed blades with interconnecting linkage. The blades positively lock to the damper shafts. The shafts rotate freely in frictionless sleeve bearings.
Face and Bypass Dampers