Mechanical Specification
Provide a air handler of sound materials construction and design. Frame mem- bers, structural bases and all casings parts are fabricated from mill galvanized steel. The table on page 39 specifies the metal gauge of each component. Ex- terior panels are to be a minimum of 16 gauge galvanized steel. Access doors in the fan section provide complete access to motor(s), belts, drive(s) and fan. Removable casing panels in the coil section permit removal of coil from either side. Fan housings extend from the fan section panel for duct connections.
Air Conditioning Models - VCS, HCS, HCL
Provide a air conditioning air handler to meet cooling and condensate require- ments. The air handler shall have standard insulation in both the fan and cool- ing coil sections with a drain pan as described below.
Provide water heating, water cooling, steam heating, and direct expansion coils with ARI certification. All coils shall be of cartridge type, coils removable from either side of casing. Direct expansion coils are to be aluminum ripple corrugated plate fins on the staggered copper tubes. Fins shall have belled collars and shall be bonded to tubes by mechanical expansion. Maximum working pressure shall be 250 psig at 300°F. Coil shall be submerged in water for testing. Direct expansion coils shall be provided with
distributors, charged with dry air. Tubing for coils shall be copper with 1/2 or 5/8 inch outside diameters. Coils shall have suction and discharge connections on the same end. Heatcraft coil performance data is certified as complying with ARI Standard 410.
Cooling Coil Sections
Provide a air handler with a readily accessible and drainable coil section. Coil sections have removable panels on each side. Drain pan is of double wall con- struction with insulation sandwiched between the metal pans. Two (2)
Provide the air handler with adequate insulation for air conditioning require- ments. Standard Insulation is
Filter Sections
Flat - Provide the air handler with an accessible flat filter section. Flat filter sections for 2 and 4 inch filters are available on all sizes. Access doors are furnished on both sides.
High Capacity - Provide the air handler with an accessible high capacity filter section. High capacity filter sections are for 2 inch filters. High capacity filter sections have one large door on each side.
High Efficiency - Provide the air handler with a high or a medium efficiency filter section. Units are constructed of 16 gauge galvanized steel. Fully gasket- ed doors are standard on each side of housing and units are fitted with positive pressure trip lock latches that assures a tight seal. Both 2 inch prefilter and one inch final filter tracks are extruded aluminum combined with reinforced nylon pile seal to create a corrosion resistant seal.
Heating And Ventilating Models - HD
Provide a air handler to meet heating or ventilating (but no cooling) duty requirements. The standard heating unit includes 1 or 2 row heating sections. Furnish deeper coil sections for 3, 4, or 6 row coils. Do not insulate the fan or coil sections on these units.
Provide a air handler with fan section that meets air flow requirements. All units have been certified as complying with ARI Standard 430. All units have a single fan design (either forward curved or airfoil). The fans are statically and dynamically balanced in fan section before the unit leaves the factory. Fans and shafts operate well below the first critical speed. Fan bearings are ball bearing type selected for 200,000 hour average life. Low pressure LF fans - Sizes 03 through 12 have lifetime lubricated, rubber mounted, cartridge bearings. Unit sizes 14 through 75 have extended lube lines to the outside casing of the air handler on drive side.
Economizer Section
Provide the air handler with an economizer with inlets options at the back, bottom, and top of the section. Economizer damper casing and blades shall be not less than 16 U.S. gauge galvanized steel. Each blade shall be
Face and Bypass Section
Dampers are opposed blade type. Shafts rotate in porous bronze bearings.
Access Section
Access sections have two hinged and latched doors, for all unit sizes. Access sections are not insulated as standard.
Visit our website at www.heatcraftrpd.com for technical literature online.
Since product improvement is a continuing effort, we reserve the right to make changes
in specifications without notice.
Heatcraft Refrigeration Products, LLC
2175 West Park Place Blvd., Stone Mountain, GA 30087
P: (800)