This is a condensing high efficiency appliance, therefore this unit has a condensate removal system. Condensate is nothing more than water vapor, derived from the combustion products, similar to an automobile when it is initially started. It is very important that the condensate line is sloped away from and down to a suitable inside drain, if the condensate outlet on the Munchkin is lower than the drain, you must use a condensate removal pump (kit available from Heat Transfer Products, Inc.) A condensate filter, if required by local authorities can be made up of lime crystals, marble or phosphate chips will neutralize the condensate. This can be done in the field by the installer or you may purchase one from Heat Transfer Products, Inc. It is also very important that the condensate line is not exposed to freezing temperatures, or any other type of blockage. Plastic tubing should be the only material used for the condensate line. Steel, brass, copper or others will be subject to corrosion or deterioration. A second vent may be necessary to prevent condensate line vacuum lock if a long horizontal run is used. Also, an increase in pipe size may be necessary to drain properly. Support of the condensation line may be necessary to avoid blockage of the condensate flow.
The Munchkin is designed to function in a closed loop 15 PSI System. To assure you that you have adequate pressure in the system, we have installed in the outlet manifold, a pressure switch that will not let the Munchkin operate without a minimum of 10 PSI water pressure. This assures you that if the system does have leak, the Munchkin will lock out (PRO on the display) before it damages the Stainless Steel Heat Exchanger. We have also included a Temperature and Pressure gauge which should be located on the Munchkin outlet to monitor the system pressure and outlet temperature from the Munchkin. It is important to note that the Munchkin has a minimal amount of pressure drop and must be figured in when sizing the circulators. Each Munchkin installation must have an Air Elimination device which will remove air from the system. Install the Munchkin so the gas ignition system components are protected from water (dripping, spraying, etc.) during appliance operation for basic service of circulator replacement, valves and other. Observe minimum 1” clearance around all un- insulated hot water pipes when openings around pipes are not protected by
The Munchkin should not be operated as a potable Hot Water Heater. It should not be used as a direct Hot Water Heating Device.
Basic steps are listed below, with Illustration, which will guide you through the installation of the Munchkin.
1. Connect the system return marked “Heater In”, make sure to install with pipe sealant com-