USER | Qualified Service Agency | ||
*Water not hot enough | Thermostat set too low. | Set thermostat dial to a higher |
| temperature |
| Upper and/or lower temperature | Call qualified service agency | Check continuity and resistance (Ohms) |
| probe out of calibration. |
| of upper and lower temperature probes. |
| Replace probes if out of specification. |
*Insufficient hot water | Thermostat set too low. | Set thermostat dial to a higher |
| temperature |
CONTROL WARNING (on page | Upper and/or lower temperature | Call qualified service agency | Check continuity and resistance (Ohms) |
12). | probe out of calibration. |
| of upper and lower temperature probes. |
| Replace probes if out of specification. |
| Main manual gas shutoff valve | Open main manual gas shutoff |
| partially closed. | valve to fullest extent. |
| Heater too small for demand. | Space usage to give heater time |
| to restore water temperature. |
| Heater recovery is slower. | Call qualified service agency | Check gas input. If incorrect, check |
| for inlet air blockage and/or flue gas |
| exhaust blockage. |
Water temperature too hot. | Thermostat set too high. | Set thermostat to a lower setting. |
Rumbling. | Sediment accumulation on | Drain a quantity of water through | Delime heater. |
| bottom of tank. | drain valve. If rumbling persists, |
| call a qualified service agency. |
Ticking or metallic sounds. | Expansion and contraction - |
| normal. |
Pounding or water hammer. | Air chambers in piping have | Drain piping system and refill. | Follow the manufacturer's instructions |
| become waterlogged. Thermal | Heater must be off while this | for proper charging of the thermal |
| expansion tank damaged, | is being done. Check thermal | expansion tank. |
| improperly charged, or | expansion tank charge pressure |
| improperly sized. | when the water system pressure |
| is zero. |
Water leaks. | Drain valve not closed tightly. | If drain valve cannot be closed |
| tightly, replace. |
| If leakage source cannot be | Shut off gas supply to heater | Repair or in case of suspected tank |
| corrected or identified, call | and close cold water inlet valve | leakage, be certain to confirm before |
| qualified service agency. | to heater. | replacing heater. |
Gas odors. | Possible gas leaks. | Shut off gas supply to heater |
| and call gas company at once |