Philips HR2305 Children’s party, Recipes, Basic ice cream Ingredients, Tips, Strawberry ice cream

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6 Children’s party

Use bright, cheerful colours to decorate children’s ice cream. Choose flavours that children love.

For decoration, use whipped cream or ready-to- serve vanilla custard, chocolate custard or fruit yogurt.

Decorate the ice cream with chocolate sprinkles, hundreds-and-thousands, sugar flowers, wafers or small chocolates.

Below are some tasty serving suggestions:

1Banana or vanilla ice cream with chocolate custard

2Chocolate ice cream with chopped nuts

3Strawberry ice cream with marshmallows

4Vanilla ice cream on a slice of cake served with fruit sauce.

5Crêpes filled with fruit ice cream and sprinkled with icing sugar

7 Recipes

7.0.1Basic ice cream Ingredients:

• 3 egg yolks

• 100g (4oz) caster sugar

• 10g (0.4oz) vanilla sugar

250ml (8.3fl.oz) whole milk

200ml (6.6fl.oz) whipping cream

Beat the egg yolks, sugar and vanilla sugar until frothy. Add the milk while stirring constantly.

Whip the cream until almost stiff. Combine the whipped cream with the other ingredients. Make sure that all ingredients are thoroughly mixed.

Switch on the ice cream maker and pour the mixture into the cooling bowl.

Preparation time: 40-50 minutes.


You can combine the basic ice cream with:

40g (1.6oz) chopped walnuts, hazelnuts or peanuts

40g (1.6oz) chopped candied fruit

40g (1.6oz) coarsely chopped chocolate

8g (0.3oz) cinnamon

If you want to add ingredients, add them to the mixture halfway through the preparation time. However, cinnamon can already be mixed with the egg yolks.

7.0.2Coupe Dame Blanche (serves 4-5 persons)

• Basic ice cream

4-5 coupes

4-5 wafers

• hot chocolate sauce (see chapter ‘Sauces’)

Use an ice cream scoop to create ice cream balls and put 2 or 3 balls in each coupe. Pour equal quantities of the hot chocolate sauce over the ice cream. Serve immediately.

7.0.3Strawberry ice cream

• 200g (7oz) fresh strawberries

• 90g (3.6oz) caster sugar

• 1 egg yolk

• 1 tbsp lemon juice

• 225ml (7.5fl.oz) whole milk

• 100ml (3.3fl.oz) whipping cream

• Wash the strawberries. Puree them together with the lemon juice, the milk, the sugar and the egg yolk. Combine the strawberry mixture with the cream. Make sure that all ingredients are thoroughly mixed.

• Switch on the ice cream maker and pour the mixture into the cooling bowl.

Preparation time: 35-45 minutes.

Image 8 Philips HR2305 manual Children’s party, Recipes, Basic ice cream Ingredients, Tips, Strawberry ice cream
Contents HR2305 HR2304 Page Table of contents Introduction IngredientsKeep it in a tightly sealed bottle in the refrigerator Freezer for 18-24 hoursStoring ice cream Serving and decorationIce cream maker FreezerPut the puree in a sieve or strainer to remove pips, if any SaucesYou can prepare a fruit puree in the following manner Children’s party RecipesBasic ice cream Ingredients TipsStoned dates 250g 9oz ripe bananas75ml 2.5fl.oz whipping cream Your own imagination Serves 4-5 persons125ml 4.2fl.oz whipped cream Fizzy lemonade Mango ice cream CoupesMango ice cream Vanilla ice creamCoffee ice cream Make sure that all ingredients are thoroughly mixedChocolate ice cream Ginger ice cream with honey Cream cheese ice creamCream cheese ice cream Lemon sorbetTall wine glasses Sliced lemonsSwitch on the ice cream maker and pour Serves 6 personsPineapple sorbet Strawberry ice cream mousseCherry ice cream mousse Dessert plates Cold crêpes Some fresh mint leaves Some icing sugarTime Preparation time 45-55 minutes200g 7oz icing sugar or caster sugar When you fill the tin Liqueur, if desired150g 5.3oz peeled pears Line the base of the springform tin with aSoak the gelatine in a bowl of cold water Wash the strawberries, then puree themPer portion Strawberry or vanilla ice creamPage Indholdsfortegnelse Opskrifterne er baseret på æg, der vejer 55-60 gram str IntroduktionIngredienser Opbevaring af is Hvis isblandingen er blevet afkøletOg typen af ingredienser. Is, der udvider sig KompaktServering og anretning SaucerBørnefester Frugtsaften og kun tilsætte lidt eller slet ingen sukkerChokoladeis med hakkede nødder Jordbæris med skumfiduser Pandekager fyldt med frugtis og drysset med flormelisOpskrifter Er gået. Kanel kan imidlertid blandes med æggeblommerneFlødeis Glas Vafler Varm chokoladesauce se afsnittet Saucer 1 FlødeisFryseskålen Tilberedningstid 40-50 minutter Kugler yoghurtis med frugt Høje glasSpiseskefuld flormelis Sugerør Ml flødeskum SodavandAfkøl blandingen til køleskabstemperatur ChokoladeisFryseskålen Tilberedningstid 35-45 minutter Til 4-5 personerChokoladeis DesserttallerkenerÆggeblommer Tsk. majsstivelse Flødeost Ml mælk Stødt melis Ml piskefløde VanillesukkerIs af flødeost CitronsorbetFryseskålen Tilberedningstid 25-35 minutter Vaskede jordbær, pureret og blandet med 2 spsk. piskeflødeTropisk sorbet AnanassorbetEt par friske mynteblade Flormelis Ml piskefløde Klar husblas Spsk. vand Stødt melisJordbærismousse KirsebærismousseSpsk. Maraschino Æggehvider Hakket kandiseret frugt Til 4-6 personer Bavarois-is Desserttallerkner SolbærSpsk. yoghurt Mynteblade Fryseskålen Tilberedningstid 30-40 minutterFryseskålen Tilberedningstid 45-55 minutter På billedet kan du se, hvordan kagen evt. kan pyntesStedet for jordbær kan man også anvende Sukkerfri jordbærisSukkerfri is Page Munatotijäätelö KermaSokeri HedelmätJohdanto AineetJäätelön Säilyttäminen Tarjoilu ja koristelu KastikkeetKirjoita säilytysastiaan valmistuspäivä ja jäätelön nimi Ovat kuitenkin maukkaampia aivan kutenLastenkutsut Siivilöi mahdolliset siemenet soseestaRuokaohjeita Sokerikuorrutettuja hedelmiä Isoja suklaapaloja KaneliaPerusjäätelö Tarjoilumaljaa Vohvelia Kytke jäätelökoneeseen virta ja kaada seosHenkilölle Sokeria Dl kermaa Dl jogurttia Rkl sitruunamehuaKytke jäätelökoneeseen virta ja kaada seos jäähdytyskulhoon Mangojäätelöä Tarjoilumaljaa Valmistusaika 35-45 minuuttiaVaniljajäätelö SuklaajäätelöäJäähdytyskulhoon Keltuaista Dl kuohukermaa Cocktail-kirsikoilla ja mintunlehdilläPikakahvia Suurta tuulihattua JäähdytyskulhoonSitruunasorbetti 4-6 henkilölle Tuorejuustojäätelöä Tarjoilumaljaa Soseutettua kiiviäTuorejuustojäätelö Annosmaljaa Jäähdytyskulhoon Pilkottua kiiviä Viipaloitu sitruunaDl kermavaahtoa Soseutettuna Viipaloitu karambolaMuutama tuore mintunlehti Tomusokeria MansikkajäätelömousseKirsikkajäätelömousse MunatotijäätelöKytke jäätelökone päälle ja kaada seos Munatotijäätelöä Jälkiruokalautasta MustaherukkaaRkl jogurttia Mintunlehtiä 33 Päärynä-aprikoosijäätelöLeivinpaperisuikaleella. Aseta vuoka Jäätelökerros ja aseta sen päälle toinen Dl kuohukermaaKuvassa on tarjoiluehdotus Jäähtyä Ainekset. Sekoita kaikki ainekset huolellaSokeriton mansikkajäätelö noin 7 annosta, 75 g Page Innholdsfortegnelse Innledning 1 EggMelk/yoghurt/kremost KremRomtemperaturen Temperaturen på fryseelementet oppbevares Oppbevare iskremIskrem kan oppbevares lenge. Hvis den Tilberede den rett før den skal spisesServere og pynte SauserIskrem som er laget med rå ingredienser Til 2 ukerDu kan tilberede fruktmos på følgende måte BarneselskapHell den varme sausen over iskremen rett før servering Oppskrifter Jordbæris SkålerNoen friske mynteblader Dl krem Iskjeks Ren iskremFruktyoghurtis Modne bananer Sukker Ss sitronjuice Dl kremfløte Dl helmelkKjølebollen Tilberedelsestid 40-50 minutter Sjokoladeis Kjølebollen Tilberedelsestid 35-45 minutterVaniljeis Kaffeis Porsjoner Sjokoladeis Desserttallerkener Store vannbakkelsForsiktig.Tilsett deretter melken gradvis Ingefæris med honning, 4-5 skåler Kremost Dl melk Sukker Dl kremfløte VaniljesukkerKremostis Sitronsorbet24 Grønn iskremfristelse 6 porsjoner Dl krem Noen friske mynteblader Iskjeks Dl kremfløte Gelatin Ss vann Sukker Ss Maraskino EggehviterIskremmousse med jordbær Iskremmousse med kirsebærMaraskino og la blandingen avkjøles Skrelt pæreIskremfromasj Alle ingrediensene er ordentlig blandet Solbær KjølebollenSpringform, 20-22 cm i diameter BakepapirKiwi Per porsjon Dl krem Jordbær- eller vaniljeisIskrem. Be om råd på apoteket eller hos en kostholdsekspert Page Innehållsförteckning Recepten är baserade på ägg som väger 55-60 gram Ingredienser och redskap1 Ägg 3 GräddeRumstemperaturen Förvara glassEller **** i kylskåpet Cirka 18-24 timmarServering och dekoration 3 FörvaringstidFlorsocker siktat ovanpå SåsBarnkalas Recept Nedkylningsskålen Kolsyrad läskedryckMatskedar honung Matskedar citronjuiceVaniljglass Rån Blandningen i kastrullenTesked snabbkaffe Vispa äggulorna med sockret, kakaonChokladglass Desserttallrikar Stora petit-chouer Dl vispad grädde Valnötshalvor Några färska myntabladKaffeglass Ingefärsglass med honungKesella Dl mjölk Strösocker Dl vispgrädde Vaniljsocker KesellaglassMed 2 matskedar vispgrädde Juice från 1citron Dl kallt vatten ÄggvitaTropisk sorbet Couper Dl vispgrädde Några färska myntablad Rån JordgubbarJuice från 1citron Äggvitor Dl vispgrädde Urkärnade körsbär33 Päron- och aprikosglass AnanasglasspuddingFotot visar ett dekoreringsförslag Glasstillredning. Rådfråga en apotekare eller dietist Page

HR2305 specifications

The Philips HR2305 is an innovative kitchen appliance designed to make food preparation more efficient and convenient. This hand blender is lightweight and ergonomically designed, making it easy to handle while blending, mixing, or pureeing a wide variety of ingredients. Its exceptional performance makes it a go-to tool for chefs and home cooks alike.

One of the standout features of the HR2305 is its powerful 700-watt motor. This robust motor ensures that the blender can easily handle tough ingredients such as nuts, frozen fruits, and fibrous vegetables. The high power means that blending is quick and effortless, minimizing preparation time and maximizing convenience in the kitchen.

The HR2305 includes a unique ProMix blending technology that is designed to optimize the blending process, resulting in a finer, more uniform texture. The innovative triangular shape of the blending shaft provides an efficient mixing performance, creating optimal flow and ensuring that all ingredients are reached and blended thoroughly. This means smoother soups and sauces, and perfectly mixed batters and smoothies.

Additionally, the Philips HR2305 features a detachable blending shaft, making it easy to clean after use. The blending shaft and the included accessories are all dishwasher-safe, allowing for hassle-free maintenance. The device is also equipped with an anti-splash design, which reduces mess while operating, as it prevents ingredients from splattering out of the container during blending.

The appliance comes with multiple speed settings, allowing users to select the right speed for different tasks. Whether one is making a delicate puree or crushing ice for a smoothie, the versatility of the HR2305 ensures it adapts to various culinary needs. Furthermore, it has an ergonomic grip that enhances control and comfort during use.

A notable accessory that comes with the Philips HR2305 is the chopper, which allows for additional versatility in food preparation. Users can chop various ingredients such as herbs, onions, and nuts with ease. This feature maximizes the usability of the hand blender, making it a multifunctional tool in any kitchen.

In conclusion, the Philips HR2305 hand blender combines powerful performance, innovative technology, and user-friendly features. Its ProMix blending technology, robust motor, and ergonomic design make it an essential kitchen tool for anyone looking to elevate their cooking experience. Whether preparing smoothies, soups, or sauces, the HR2305 is poised to enhance efficiency and deliver professional-quality results.