Philips HR7625 manual EN Cleaning, DK Rengøring, DE Reinigung, EL Καθαρισμός

Page 43

EN Cleaning

-Always unplug the appliance before you remove accessories or clean the motor unit.

-You can quickly and easily preclean the food processor bowl and blender jar with the pulse button. Simply add some water and washing-up liquid to the dirty bowl or jar and secure the lid. Then use the pulse button until the bowl or jar is clean.When you preclean the food processor bowl in this way, make sure the blade is assembled in the bowl.

DK Rengøring

-Tag altid stikket ud af stikkontakten før du aftager tilbehør eller rengør motorenheden.

-Du kan hurtigt og nemt rengøre foodprocessorens skål og blenderglas med pulse-knappen. Hæld blot lidt vand og opvaskemiddel i skål/blenderglas og luk låget. Brug herefter

pulse-knappen, indtil skål/blenderglas er rent. Du skal dog altid sikre dig, at knivenheden er monteret i skålen.

DE Reinigung

-Ziehen Sie vor dem Entfernen von Zubehör und zum Reinigen der Motoreinheit stets den Netzstecker aus der Steckdose.

-Die Schüssel und der Mixbecher der Küchenmaschine können leicht mit der Puls-Taste vorgereinigt werden. Geben Sie einfach etwas Wasser und Spülmittel in die schmutzige Schüssel bzw. den Mixbecher, und schließen Sie den Deckel. Dann drücken Sie die Puls-Taste, bis die Schüssel bzw. der Mixbecher sauber ist.Wenn Sie die Schüssel der Küchenmaschine auf diese Weise reinigen, muss sich auch die Messereinheit in der Schüssel befinden.

EL Καθαρισμός

-Αποσυνδέετε πάντα τη συσκευή από την πρίζα πριν αφαιρέσετε εξαρτήματα ή καθαρίσετε το μοτέρ.


Image 43 Philips HR7625 manual EN Cleaning, DK Rengøring, DE Reinigung, EL Καθαρισμός
Contents HR7625, HR7621, HR7620 English HR HR1, only Electromagnetic fields EMF EN ImportantDK Vigtigt Elektromagnetiske felter EMF Støjniveau Lc = 85 dBADE Wichtig Ηλεκτρομαγνητικά Πεδία EMF Elektromagnetische Felder EMF Electro Magnetic FieldsEL Σημαντικό Υγρό, ούτε να το ξεπλένετε στη βρύσηCampos electromagnéticos CEM ES ImportanteFI Tärkeää FR Important Sähkömagneettiset kentät EMFChamps électromagnétiques CEM Campi elettromagnetici EMF ImportanteNED Belangrijk Elektromagnetische velden EMV Geluidsniveau Lc = 85 dBAViktig SV Viktigt Elektromagnetiske felt EMFPT Importante Campos Electromagnéticos EMF Electro Magnetic FieldsTR Önemli Elektromagnetiska fält EMFElektromanyetik alanlar EMF Page AR FA Page EL Λεπίδες κοπής συμβουλές και προειδοποιήσεις EN Blade tips and warningsDK Knivenhed tips og advarsler DE MesserTipps und WarnhinweiseFR Lame conseils et avertissements ES Cuchillas consejos y advertenciasFI Terä vihjeitä ja varoituksia Aseta aina terä kulhoon ennen raaka-aineiden lisäämistäSV Kniv tips och varningar NL Mes tips en waarschuwingenNo Kniv tips og advarsler PT Lâmina sugestões e avisosTR Bıçak ipuçları ve uyarılar Page NL Kneedaccessoire tips en waarschuwingen EN Kneading accessory tips and warningsFR Accessoire de pétrissage conseils et avertissements IT Accessorio per impastare consigli e avvertenzeTR Yoğurma aksesuarı ipuçları ve uyarılar Page Siehe Seite EN Inserts tips and warningsDK Rive/snitteskiver tips og advarsler DE EinsätzeTipps und WarnhinweiseIT Dischi consigli e avvertenze ES Accesorios para cortar y rallar consejos y advertenciasFI Lisäosat vihjeitä ja varoituksia FR Disques conseils et avertissementsSV Insatser tips och varningar NL Inzetschijven tips en waarschuwingenNo Innlegg tips og advarsler PT Acessórios sugestões e avisosTR Aksesuarlar ipuçları ve uyarılar 30 70 sec Sec 350 mlEL Εξάρτημα ανάμειξης συμβουλές και προειδοποιήσεις EN Emulsifying disc tips and warningsDK Piskeplade tips og advarsler DE EmulgierscheibeTipps und WarnhinweiseNo Emulgeringsplate tips og advarsler FR Disque émulsionneur conseils et avertissementsIT Disco emulsionante consigli e avvertenze NL Mengschijf tips en waarschuwingenTR Bulamaç diski ipuçları ve uyarılar Rengör alltid emulgeringsskivan efter användningBulamaç disklerini kullandıktan sonra mutlaka temizleyin Page Åbn aldrig låget, når knivene roterer Use cooked ingredients when you blend a soupEN Blender tips and warnings DK Blender tips og advarslerUtilice ingredientes cocidos para hacer un puré EL Μπλέντερ συμβουλές και προειδοποιήσειςES Batidora consejos y advertencias Trocee los ingredientes sólidos antes de procesarlosÄlä koskaan avaa kantta, kun terä pyörii FI Tehosekoitin vihjeitä ja varoituksiaFR Bol mélangeur conseils et avertissements NL Blender tips en waarschuwingen IT Bol mélangeur conseils et avertissementsNo Hurtigmikser tips og advarsler SV Mixer tips och varningar Del faste ingredienser i mindre deler før du bearbeider demPT Liquidificadora sugestões e avisos Nunca abra a tampa quando a lâmina estiver a rodarÇorba karıştırmak için pişirilmiş malzeme kullanın TR Blender ipuçları ve uyarılarPage DK Opbevaring EN StorageDE Aufbewahrung FR Rangement EL Μέρη και εξαρτήματαES Almacenamiento FI SäilytysEL Καθαρισμός EN CleaningDK Rengøring DE ReinigungIT Pulizia ES LimpiezaFI Puhdistaminen FR NettoyageSV Rengöring PT LimpezaTR emizleme EL Περιβάλλον EN EnvironmentDK Miljøhensyn DE UmweltschutzNo Miljø FR EnvironnementIT Tutela dell’ambiente NL MilieuEN Motor unit with cord storage facility on the back Page AR FA No Eltetilbehør PT Batedor EL Εξάρτημα ζυμώματος ES Accesorio para amasar FI VaivausosaTR Öğütücü ek bıçak sadece HR7625, HR7621 No Malingsinnlegg bare HR7625, HR7621IT Disco per grattugiare medio NL Middelfijne raspschijf Page Page Page EL Οδηγός ανεύρεσης βλαβών EN TroubleshootingDK Fejlfinding DE FehlerbehebungFR Dépannage ES TroubleshootingNL Problemen oplossen FI VianmääritysTR Sorun giderme PT Resolução de problemasNo Feilsøking SV FelsökningPage Nærende grøntsagssuppe fra Budapest EN Recipes Fresh fruit milkshakeNourishing vegetable soup from Budapest DK Opskrifter Frisk frugtmilkshakeGlatt mixen DE Rezepte Frucht-MilchshakeHerzhafte Gemüsesuppe aus Budapest ES Recetas Batido de frutas frescas EL Συνταγές Μιλκσέικ φρέσκων φρούτωνΑνακατέψτε μέχρι να γίνει το μίγμα ομοιόμορφο Θρεπτική σούπα λαχανικών ΒουδαπέστηςFI Ruokaohjeita Pirtelö Nutritiva crema de verduras de BudapestRavitseva budapestiläinen kasviskeitto Frullate fino a ottenere un composto liscio e cremoso FR Recettes Milk-shake aux fruits fraisSoupe de légumes de Budapest IT Ricette Frullato di frutta frescaNL Recepten Milkshake van verse vruchten Zuppa di verdure budapestinaVoedzame groentesoep uit Boedapest Næringsrik grønnsakssuppe fra Budapest No Oppskrifter Frisk fruktmilkshakePT Receitas Batido de leite com fruta fresca Näringsrik grönsakssoppa från Budapest Sopa nutritiva de vegetais de BudapesteSV Recept Milkshake av färsk frukt Mixa tills det är jämntBudapeşte usulü besleyici sebze çorbası TR Tarifler Taze meyveli milkshakeSaniye bekleyin Page Page 4203.000.5595.4

HR7625 specifications

The Philips HR7625 is a versatile food processor designed to streamline kitchen tasks and enhance culinary creativity. With a capacity of 2.1 liters for the bowl and an additional 1.5 liters for the blender jug, it caters to both small and larger meal preparations, making it ideal for families or meal prepping enthusiasts.

One of the standout features of the Philips HR7625 is its powerful 650-watt motor, which provides enough strength to handle a wide variety of tasks, from chopping vegetables to kneading dough. This motor enables the machine to perform efficiently, delivering consistent results for various food preparations.

The food processor comes with a set of impressive attachments, including stainless steel blades for slicing, grating, and chopping, which ensures durability and effectiveness. Additionally, it includes a kneading tool specifically designed to create the perfect dough for bread and pastries.

The HR7625 also incorporates the innovative "Compact Design" feature, allowing users to store all attachments conveniently within the bowl of the food processor. This ensures that the kitchen remains organized and makes for easy access to all the necessary tools when cooking.

Safety is a priority with this device, featuring a safety lock system that prevents the processor from operating when the bowl or lid is not secured properly. This reduces the risk of accidents in the kitchen, providing peace of mind while cooking.

The operation of the Philips HR7625 is user-friendly, with a simple control panel featuring various speed settings for precise processing. Whether it's pulsing for coarse chopping or blending for smooth results, users have total control over their culinary tasks.

In terms of aesthetics, the Philips HR7625 boasts a sleek, modern design that fits seamlessly into any kitchen décor. The lightweight structure also ensures portability, making it easy to move and store as needed.

Moreover, ease of cleaning is an essential attribute of the HR7625. The detachable components are dishwasher safe, allowing for hassle-free cleanup after meal preparation. This feature appeals to busy individuals who prioritize convenience alongside functionality.

Overall, the Philips HR7625 food processor stands out as a reliable kitchen companion, equipped with powerful features and thoughtful design elements aimed at simplifying meal preparation while encouraging culinary exploration.