Standard and Telephone Calls
Standard calls are between two mobiles or between a mobile and a control station. Telephone calls allow you to place and receive calls over the public telephone system using your transceiver. Standard calls are described starting on page 19, and telephone calls are described starting on page 21.
Busy Queuing (LTR)
The LTR busy queuing feature places a telephone call in a queue if the radio system is busy when it is placed. Then when the system becomes available, the call is automatically placed. Standard
When the radio system becomes available, it is automatically accessed. A beep then sounds and a dial tone is heard. The call can then be placed if desired. The queue mode is exited before the call is placed if any of the following occur (exit is indicated when “IN QUEUE” is no longer displayed).
•The PTT switch is pressed
•Any call is received
•Any front panel option switch is pressed
•Power is turned off
Calls are received normally in the queue mode. However, receiving any call causes the mode to be exited as indicated above. Group scanning