Braun KF 570 manual ‰Âùâíúë, ‚Ëíîëí‡Ì¥ Ùóò-χÊóìëïë Ó·Òú‡‚Ëì‡Ïë

Page 41

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Image 41
Contents CaféHouse ∂ÏÏËÓÈο Türkçe RomânåInternet Braun GmbH Frankfurter Straße Kronberg/GermanyEr fi l Deutsch English Setting into operationTipps für bestes Kaffee-Aroma Maximum cupsII Making coffee IV CleaningIII Water filter Best practices for best resultsFrançais Español III Filtro de agua II Elaboración de caféIV Limpieza Siga estos consejos para obtener un resultado óptimoPortuguês Italiano III Filtro per lacqua II Per fare il caffèIV Pulizia Decalcificazione senza illustrNederlands Dansk III Vandfilter II Brygning af kaffeIV Rengøring Sådan opnås det bedste resultatNorsk Svenska III Vattenfiltret II Brygga kaffeIV Rengöring För bästa resultatSuomi Hyviä ohjeita PolskiUwaga PojemnoÊçII Przygotowanie kawy UruchomienieIII Filtr wody IV CzyszczenieUpozornûní Âesk˘Maximální poãet ‰álkÛ PopisIII Vodní filtr II Pfiíprava kávyIV âi‰tûní Jak dosáhnout optimálních v˘sledkÛII Príprava kávy Slovensk˘Magyar III VízszırŒ II KávéfŒzésIV Tisztítás Legjobb Braun praktikák a legjobb Braun eredményhezTürkçe Românå III Filtrul de apå II Prepararea cafeleiIV Curåøarea Sfaturi utile pentru rezultate optime¶ÂÚÈÁÚ·õ‹ ¤ÁÈÛÙÔ˜ ·ÚÈıÌfi˜ õÏ˘Ù˙·ÓÈÒÓ§ÂÈÙÔ˘ÚÁ›· Ππ ¶·Ú·Û΢‹ ηõ¤Lietuvi˜ III Vandens filtras II Kavos paruo‰imasIV Valymas Keletas nauding˜ patarim˜Apraksts MaksimÇlais pagatavojamo tas¥‰u skaitsIer¥ces sagatavo‰ana darb¥bai II Kafijas pagatavo‰anaEesti III Veefilter II Kohvi valmistamineIV Puhastamine Katlakivi eemaldamine joonis puudub‡ÍÒËχθÌÓ ÍÓ΢ÂÒÚ‚Ó ˜‡¯ÂÍ ÊÛÒÒÍËÈÉÔËÒ‡ÌË BraunII èË„ÓÚÓ‚ÎÂÌË Íóùâ ÈÓ‰„ÓÚӂ͇ Í ‡·ÓÚÂIV é˜ËÒÚ͇ ‰‡ÎÂÌË Òóîâè ͇θˆËfl ·ÂÁ ËÒÛÌ͇ËÎÛ˜‡Ë, ̇ ÍÓÚÓ˚ „‡‡ÌÚËfl Ì ‡ÒÔÓÒÚ‡ÌflÂÚÒfl BraunÌ‚ÓÁÏÓÊÌÓ ÌÍ‡ªÌҸ͇ ÜÍ ÓÚËχÚË Ì‡ÈÍ‡˘Ëı ÂÁÛθڇڥ‚ Çˉ‡ÎÂÌÌfl Òóîâè ͇θˆ¥˛ ·ÂÁ Ï‡Î˛ÌÍÛÇËÍÓËÒÚÓ‚ÛÈÚ Î˯ ҂¥ÊÓ Ïóîóúû ͇‚Û ‡‡ÌÚ¥ÈÌ¥ ÁÓ·Ó‚’flÁ‡ÌÌfl Ù¥ÏË Çraun‰ÂÙÂÍÚË, ‚ËÍÎË͇̥ ÙÓÒ-χÊÓÌËÏË Ó·ÒÚ‡‚Ë̇ÏË Page

KF 570 specifications

The Braun KF 570 is a standout coffee machine that embodies the perfect blend of modern design, innovative technology, and user-friendly features, making it a must-have for coffee aficionados.

At the heart of the KF 570 is its impressive brewing system which utilizes a unique Aroma Control feature. This technology guarantees optimal extraction, allowing the coffee to retain its full flavor and aroma. The adjustable brewing strength setting allows users to personalize their coffee experience according to their taste preferences, whether they desire a mild brew or a strong, robust flavor.

Equipped with a large, transparent water tank, the KF 570 has a capacity of up to 12 cups, making it ideal for both solo coffee lovers and entertaining guests. The water reservoir is designed for easy filling and features a water level indicator, ensuring you can measure how much water you need.

One of the key highlights of the Braun KF 570 is the anti-drip system. Users can pour a cup mid-brew without worrying about spills or messes, thanks to this clever design. Additionally, the glass carafe is crafted to maintain temperature and serves as an elegant presentation for serving coffee at any occasion.

The machine's simplicity extends to its operation. With just a few buttons, users can easily navigate its functions, including a programmable timer that allows you to set the coffee to brew at your convenience. Wake up to the delightful aroma of freshly brewed coffee every morning without any hassle.

A standout feature of the KF 570 is its auto shut-off function, which enhances safety and energy efficiency. This automatic shut-off ensures that the machine will turn off after a set period, providing peace of mind for users who may forget to switch it off after brewing.

In terms of maintenance, Braun has designed the KF 570 with a removable filter holder and a washable coffee filter, making clean-up a breeze. Regular maintenance is simplified, ensuring your coffee maker stays in top condition for years to come.

In conclusion, the Braun KF 570 is a remarkable coffee machine that combines advanced brewing technology, ease of use, and practical features. Its sleek design and efficient functionality make it an excellent choice for anyone looking to enhance their coffee brewing experience at home. Whether you’re brewing a single cup for yourself or preparing coffee for a gathering, the KF 570 delivers consistently great results, elevating your morning ritual into a delightfully satisfying experience.