Fisher & Paykel DD607, DD247 service manual Transmit LED indicator Top Tub start button on doubles

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Transmit LED indicator


Place of the remote for binding

iii)Once the remote is in roughly the location shown above, press one of the buttons on the remote. The left transmit LED icon should flash followed by five fast flashes of the right hand battery icon. This indicates that remote has paired with the receiver. The LEDs are labelled below.

Transmit LED indicator

Top Tub start button on doubles.

Single tub start button on singles

Battery Level

LED indicator

Bottom tub start button on doubles. (Not on singles)

iv)Remove the remote from the wash programme selector. Now press a button on the remote. This should flash the ‘transmit’ LED once and cause the relevant tub to ‘beep’.

v)If the above is successful it means the remote is paired to the receiver. If either the remote or receiver is replaced then the procedure must be repeated.

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Contents NZ AU GB IE US CA Service ManualDishDrawer DD607 & DD247Standard Double Models FEATURED PRODUCT & CONTACT ADDRESSESBrand DescriptionSingle, Designer, Brushed Stainless Standard Single ModelsDD24SCW7 Tall Tub Double ModelsSingle, Tall Tub, Classic White Tall Tub Single ModelsDD24SDFTX7 Single, Tall Tub, Classic, Stainless SteelCONTENTS 10 NOTES WIRING DIAGRAMSSERVICE PROCEDURES 1.1.9 Diagnostics 1 SERVICE REQUIREMENTS1.1.1 Electrical Safety 1.1.2 Electrostatic Discharge1.2 Specialised Tools 1.2.1 Static Strap22 15/16” 2 DIMENSIONS & SPECIFICATIONS22 15/16 ” 8.0 Ohms per winding, 16 ohms phase to Component SpecificationsSpecification ComponentHall sensor Post Wash CycleWash TimeWash Cycle DD60 Australia/New Zealand Wash ProfilesDD60 United States/Canada Wash Profiles Wash3 TECHNICAL OVERVIEW 3.3.1 Tub Home Sensor3.3.4 Operation some integrated models only 3.3.2 Touch Switches3.3.3 Wireless Remote some integrated models only Sluicing Jets 3.3.5 Wireless ReceiverAir Valve 3.4.1 Rotor3.4.3 Filter Plate 3.4.4 Drain Filter3.7.1 Water Inlet 3.5.1 When Activated3.5.2 During a Power Failure Flood Sensor 3.7.2 Dispensing Detergent and Rinse Aid3.7.3 Amount of Water 3.7.4 Flood Protection3.8.3 Maintaining the Temperature 3.8.1 The Heating Element3.8.2 Heating the Water 3.8.4 Over Heat ProtectionNon Return Valve 3.11.2 Removing and Cleaning the Drain Filter and Filter Plate 3.11.1 The Filter System3.12.1 Integrated Single Drawer Venting some models only Strainer Spigot Strainer 4.1.2 Rinse Aid Setup rA 4 OPTION ADJUSTMENT MODENot Wireless Model SetupGrains per Gallon DishDrawer Setting4.1.3 Water Supply Hardness Setup hd Parts per Million4.2.1 Classic Models 4.2.2 Designer Modelsbutton, which will increase or decrease the amount of LED’s on the 4.2.4 Integrated with Wireless Remote Control4.2.3 Integrated Models Rinse aid Closed Drawer autolock using the remote controlOption Water softener5.1.2 Hardware Output Mode HO 5 DIAGNOSTICS5.1.1 Display Mode Rinse Aid Pump operates as a valve for diagnostic purposes only 5.1.3 Fast Cycle FC 5.1.4 Continuous Cycle Mode CCPlaying Tunes 5.1.5 Temperature and Voltage Display5.1.6 Show Off/ Showroom Wash Mode Program Button 5.2.1 Diagnostic ModeProgram Indicators 5.2.2 Display Mode5.2.4 Fast Cycle Mode FC 5.2.5 Continous Cycle Mode CC6 FAULT CODES AND POOR PERFORMANCE LED Display Fault CodeFault Possible Causes6.1.1 Sub Code Faults Fast, Delicate Fast & Eco LED’sIs the customer complaining of Poor Dry Performance Non VentedQUESTION plastic items not drying?Customers Complaint - food particles left on dishes How to resolve theproblem Customers Complaint - coffee/tea stains left in cupswhite chalky film on them More on next pageHow to resolve the problem 7 FAULT FINDING PROCEDURE 7.1 Fault Code Problem SolvingDry E1 - No Water in the Chassis Base DO NOT REPLACE COMPONENTS ON A TUB WITH THIS WARNINGWet E1- Water in the Chassis Base Prefinished models Fault code E2 - Sub Code 03 - Motor Not Drawing Enough Current Controller Harness P201 Corrosion Damage ExampleNOTE For more detailed component testing, refer to page Fault Code E5 - Sub Code 02 - No Current Fault Code E5 - Lid FaultFault Code E5 - Sub Code 01 - Not Starting Fault Code E5 - Sub Code 04 - Not StallingFan Housing Locking Tabs FlapFault Code E7 - Sub Code 03 - Over Current Fault Code E7 - Detergent Diverter ValveFault Code E7 - Sub Code 02 - Under Current Detergent Diverter Coil Harness Pin PinWater softener brine pump There are 4 sub codes which relate to this fault code If the problem persists replace the bottom controller  8 WIRING DIAGRAMS8.2 Power Distribution Concept  8.3 Wiring DiagramLower Tub Shown Only  P203 9 SERVICE PROCEDURESP204 P2021. Open the drawer Rail Clip Retaining ScrewClip Cowling 1. Open the drawer and remove the drawer front refer section 1. Remove the drawer front refert section 1. Remove the cutlery basket and rack from the tub 1. Remove the drawer front refer Section Drain Hose Fill Hose Earth Wire Element CoverClips Clips 1. Remove the wiring cover refer section 1. Remove the tub as per section Trim Trim ChannelClips Inlet Hose Flood Sensor MFB Hex Drive Screws Rail Rear Locating TabsWater Valve Wiring Harness Link Clip 15mm 3/4” Fill Hoses Water Inlet Hose Chassis ClipT10 Torx Screw 9.28 Single Integrated Vent Duct Removal Some models onlyTrim Clips Slide Off Tub1. Remove the tub to gain access to the duct, refer section 1. Remove the door panel, refer section To Pair Remote to Receiver Pairing ProcedureReceiver Replacement Procedure Transmit LED indicator Top Tub start button on doubles 10 NOTES NZ AU GB IE US CA F&P PN 590409 A 11.2011