Multiquip STXD6i operation manual Safety Information, SafeTy messages

Page 8

Safety Information

Do not operate or service the equipment before reading the entire manual. Safety precautions should be followed at all times when operating this equipment.

Failure to read and understand the safety messages and operating instructions could result in injury to yourself and others.

safeTy messages

The four safety messages shown below will inform you about potential hazards that could injure you or others.The safety messages specifi cally address the level of exposure to the operator and are preceded by one of four words: daNgeR, WaRNINg, cauTION or NOTIce.

safeTy symBOLs


Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, WILL result in deaTh or seRIOus INJuRy.


Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, cOuLd result in deaTh or seRIOus INJuRy.


Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, cOuLd result in mINOR or mOdeRaTe INJuRy.


Addresses practices not related to personal injury.

Potential hazards associated with the operation of this equipment will be referenced with hazard symbols which may appear throughout this manual in conjunction with safety messages.


Safety Hazard


Lethal exhaust gas hazards


Explosive fuel hazards


Burn hazards


Rotating parts hazards


Pressurized fluid hazards


Hydraulic fluid hazards

page 8 — stxd6i RIDE-ON TROWEL• operation manual — rev. #0 (03/23/12)

Image 8
Contents Model stxd6i Proposition 65 warning Silicosis/respiratory warnings Silicosis WarningTable of Contents Specifications are subject to change without noticePage Completely Training checklistTraining checklist Daily pre-operation checklist Daily pre-Operation checklistSafety Information SafeTy messagesGeNeRaL safeTy TROWeL safeTy ENgINe safeTyOrder Form PT-160 Before servicing equipment„ Use well-insulated gloves when picking up the battery FueL safeTyBaTTeRy safeTy TRaNspORTINg safeTy TOWINg safeTyLifting „ NeveR lift trowel with the operator on the machineENvIRONmeNTaL safeTy/decOmmIssIONINg EmIssIONs INfORmaTIONEmission control Label Label must remain with the engine for its entire lifeTransporting the trowel Lifting and transportingLifting the trowel Engine Specifications SpecificationsTrowel Specifications Dimensions Trowel DimensionsWidth in. cm This value includes the seat height TableGeneral information Indicators ComponentsToolbox Compartment Storage for tools Basic engine Oil Filler Port Remove to add fresh crankcase oilHydraulic Oil InspectionEngine Oil Determine if the engine fuel is low Figure „„ The ash content must not exceed 0.01% by volumeFuel Setup Battery SetupStarting the Engine Insert the ignition key into the ignition switch FigureOperation Battery Management Safety InterlocksSafety Interlock Engine throttlePower management Fault Alerting Red Stop LampHydraulic Oil Cooler Fan Control Hydraulic Oil Filter MonitoringJoystick Directional Positioning Control Joystick Result DirectionManual Mode Pitch Mode Light is Off Smart Pitch ModePanning Mode Blade Pitch ControlEngine ShutDown Engine ShutdownMaintenance Maintenance ScheduleRadiator/Cooling System Air CleanerAir Cleaner Service Radiator Cleaning Fan Belt TensionChanging Engine Oil And Filter Fuel FilterRecommended Viscosity Grades Replace the engine fuel filter element every 500 hoursBattery/Charging System Fuel/Water SeparatorOil And Fuel Lines Engine Tune-UpInstalling Pans Onto Finisher Blades Long Term StorageTroubleshooting Troubleshooting Ride-On hydraulic TrowelWiring? Repair per engine repair manual Dipstick HERE’S HOW to GET Help