How to Use This Manual
The scope of this manual is intended to provide station personnel with the base installa- tion (ie: mount, reflector and enclosure), operation and maintenance requirements nec- essary for a
Note: All antenna option instructions are included in the individual kit shipped with the part. This manual provides a convenient reference for authorized operator/service per- sonnel requiring technical information on general system or specific subsystem equip- ment.
The tables and figures presented in this manual are used as communication aids for the installation, operation and maintenance of the
•Tables The tables allow you to locate information quickly and easily.
•Drawings The drawings supplement the installation instructions by using a
combination of graphics and verbiage to assist you in simplifying complex procedures and clarifying components
•PhotographsThe photographs complement the installation instructions by
providing actual examples of the steps being performed, which allow you to view the installation in process.
The manual is divided into five distinct sections, each dealing with a specific technical topic relating to either system or component subsystem information. The sections con- tained in this manual are described and listed under the following technical headings:
•How to Use Describes the manual’s purpose, content, and communications aids.
This Manual Additionally, this section lists the related documentation for the 4.5- Meter Earth Station Antenna.
•Getting Provides the preliminary information needed to perform a successful
Started installation. This section should be reviewed prior to the installation. The warnings, recommended tools, parts verification, instructions on report- ing lost or damaged equipment and installation checklist are located in this section.
•Installation Provides the procedures for the different phases of a
Procedures Earth Station Antenna base installation. This section will help you easily find requirements for an individual task, as well as display the sequence for each tasks execution.
•Operation Describes the controls, functions, and general operating procedures required for proper operation of the
•Maintenance Describes preventative maintenance procedures that are required to
maintain proper functional operation of your new Andrew Earth Station Antenna.