Chapter 4 Measurements
Typical Line Sweep Test Procedures
This section provides typical line sweep measurements used to analyze the performance of a transmission feed line system.
System Return Loss Measurement
System return loss measurement verifies the performance of the transmission feed line sys- tem with the antenna connected at the end of the transmission line. To measure the system return loss:
Required Equipment
Site Master Model S251C
Precision Open/Short, Anritsu 22N50 or Precision Open/Short/Load, Anritsu OSLN50LF
Precision Load, Anritsu SM/PL
Test Port Extension Cable, Anritsu
Device Under Test
Transmission Feed Line with Antenna
Step 1. Press the MODE key.
Step 2. Select
Step 3. Set the start and stop frequencies, F1 and F2, as described on page
Step 5. Connect the Device Under Test to the Site Master. A trace will be displayed on the screen when the Site Master is in the sweep mode.
Step 6. Press SAVE DISPLAY (page
NOTE: The antenna must be connected at the end of the transmission feed line when conducting a System Return Loss measurement.