Whirlpool W10208431A Adjust the Door, Style1-Freezer Door Models, Style 2-Freezer Drawer Models

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Adjust the Door

Your refrigerator has two front adjustable rollers located at the base of the refrigerator. If your refrigerator seems unsteady or you want the door to close more easily, use the instructions below.

Style1–Freezer Door Models

1.Remove the base grille. Grasp the grille firmly and pull it toward you.

2.Remove the bracket cover. Insert the eraser end of a pencil in the cover notch. Apply slight downward pressure to the notched side of the cover while swinging it off.

3.Using a screwdriver or ³⁄₈" hex driver, turn the roller adjustment screw on each side to raise or lower that side of the refrigerator.

NOTE: Having someone push against the top of the refrigerator takes some weight off the adjustment screws and rollers. This makes it easier to turn the screws It may take several turns of the roller adjustment screw to adjust the tilt of the refrigerator.

To raise, turn the roller adjustment screw to the right.

To lower, turn the roller adjustment screw to the left.

4.Turn the brake foot clockwise until it is firmly against the floor to keep the refrigerator from rolling forward when the freezer drawer is pulled open.

5.Open the door again to make sure that it closes as easily as you like. If not, tilt the refrigerator slightly more to the rear by turning both roller adjustment screws to the right. It may take several more turns, and you should turn both adjustment screws the same amount.

6.Replace the bracket cover. Place the bracket cover into the outer edge, swing the cover toward the cabinet and snap it into place.

7.Replace the base grille.

Style 2–Freezer Drawer Models

1.Remove the base grille. Grasp the grille firmly and pull it toward you.

2.Raise or lower the cabinet. Using a ³⁄₈" hex driver, turn the roller adjustment screw(s) on each side to raise or lower that side of the refrigerator.

NOTE: Having someone push against the top of the refrigerator takes some weight off the adjustment screws and rollers. This makes it easier to turn the screws. It may take several turns of the roller adjustment screw to adjust the tilt of the refrigerator.

To raise, turn the roller adjustment screw to the right.

To lower, turn the roller adjustment screw to the left.

3.Turn the brake foot clockwise until it is firmly against the floor to keep the refrigerator from rolling forward when the freezer drawer is pulled open.





A. Roller adjustment screw B. Brake foot

A. Front roller adjustment screw

B. Brake foot

4.Open the door again to make sure that it closes as easily as you like. If not, tilt the refrigerator slightly more to the rear by turning both leveling screws clockwise. It may take several more turns, and you should turn both screws the same amount.

5.Replace the base grille.


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Contents Refrigerator User Instructions Refrigerator SafetyBefore You Throw Away Your Old Refrigerator or Freezer Installation InstructionsRemove the Packaging Clean Before Using Unpack the RefrigeratorRecommended Grounding Method LocationRequirementsElectrical Requirements Style Water Supply RequirementsConnect the Water Supply Reverse Osmosis Water SupplyRefrigerator Doorsand Drawer Style 2-French Doors Style 1-Standard DoorReplace Drawer Front Remove Drawer FrontStandard Door Freezer Door Door Swing Reversal optionalStandard Door Freezer Drawer Drawer Front Removal Drawer Front ReplacementDoor Removal & Replacement Style 2-Freezer Drawer Models Adjust the DoorStyle1-Freezer Door Models Crisper Humidity Control Using the ControlsRefrigerator USE Opening and Closing DoorsDispensing Water Ice MakerWater Dispenser Water Filtration SystemChanging the Light Bulb CleaningTo Clean Your Refrigerator Refrigerator CareRefrigerator Operation TroubleshootingTemperature and Moisture Ice and Water Water Filter Certifications Application Guidelines/Water Supply Parameters Product Data SheetsDisclaimer of Implied Warranties Limited WarrantyItems Excluded from Warranty This limited warranty does not coverEL Usuario DEL Refrigerador Seguridad DEL RefrigeradorAntes de tirar su viejo refrigerador o congelador Instrucciones DE InstalaciónDesempaque el refrigerador Requisitos de ubicaciónSuministro de agua por ósmosis inversa Requisitos eléctricosRequisitos del suministro de agua Método de conexión a tierra recomendadoConexión al refrigerador Conecte elsuministro de aguaEstilo Conexión a la línea de aguaEstilo 2-Dos puertas con congelador en la parte inferior Puertas y cajóndel refrigeradorEstilo 1-Puerta estándar Carcasa Cómo quitar las puertas y las bisagrasModelos con congelador de cajón Modelos con puerta en el congeladorCómo quitar y volver a colocar el cajón del congelador Para quitar el frente del cajónPara volver a colocar el frente del cajón Cómo volver a poner las puertas y las bisagras en su lugarPuerta estándar-Congelador con puerta Bisagra superiorPuerta estándar-Congelador de cajón Bisagra inferiorDos puertas con congelador en la parte inferior Bisagras superioresEstilo 2-Modelos con congelador de cajón Ajuste la puertaEstilo 1-Modelos de congelador con puerta Para encender/apagar USO DE SU RefrigeradorCómo abrir y cerrar las puertas Uso de los controlesCómo despachar agua Fábrica de hieloDespachador de agua Sistema de filtración de aguaPara limpiar su refrigerador Cuidado DE SU RefrigeradorLimpieza Cómo cambiar el focoFuncionamiento delrefrigerador Solución DE ProblemasHielo y agua Temperatura y humedad¿Está la presión de agua a por lo menos 35 lbs/pulg² Pautas de aplicación/Parámetros para el suministro de agua Hoja DE Datos DEL ProductoEsta garantía limitada no cubre Whirlpool CorporationGarantía Limitada Exclusiones DE LA GarantíaRéfrigérateur Sécurité DU RéfrigérateurAvant de jeter votre vieux réfrigérateur ou congélateur Instructions D’INSTALLATIONExigences demplacement Déballagedu réfrigérateurAlimentation en eau par osmose inverse Méthode recommandée de mise à la terreSpécificationsélectriques Spécifications del’alimentationen eauRaccordement au réfrigérateur Raccordement de la canalisation deauRaccordement à une canalisation d’eau Style 2-Porte à deux battants Porteset tiroir du réfrigérateurStyle 1-Porte standard Style-1 Porte standard Déposer la façade du tiroir Réinstaller la façade du tiroirStyle 2-Portes à deux battants Porte standard Porte du compartiment de congélation Inversion du sens douverture des portes optionVis de charnière Portes à deux battants Charnières supérieuresStyle 2-Modèles avec tiroir de congélation Ajustement de la porteStyle 1-Modèles de compartiments de congélation avec porte Ouvertureet fermeture des portes Utilisation des commandesHumidity Control Commande dhumidité sur certains modèles Utilisation DU RéfrigérateurCONDITION/RAISON Ajustement Machine à glaçonsDistributeur d’eau Distribution d’eauNettoyage Remplacement del’ampoule d’éclairageEntretien DU Réfrigérateur Système de filtration de leauLe moteur semble trop tourner DépannageFonctionnement du réfrigérateur Le réfrigérateur ne fonctionne pasLe réfrigérateur semble bruyant Température et humiditéGlaçons et eau Heures pour la fabrication de nouveaux glaçons Système de filtration d’eau intérieur Feuilles DE Données SUR LE ProduitLa présente garantie limitée ne couvre pas Garantie DES Gros Appareils Ménagers Whirlpool CorporationGarantie Limitée Articles Exclus DE LA GarantieWhirlpool Corporation All rights reserved W10208432A EN/FR PN W10208431AW10297791