•Clears all the registers in the circuits
•Purges the codec
•Selects analog input A (RINA and LINA) and sets the input A active indicator (INPA) low
•Initializes the equalization parameters to AllPass filters
•Sets the digital audio interface to the I2S
•Sets the bass/treble to 0 dB
•Sets the mixer gain to 0 dB SDIN1 and mutes both SDIN2 and
•Sets the volume to
•Turns off all enhancement features (DRCE, etc.)
•Reads the I2C address. If the address is 68h, the device reads its EEPROM. It is possible to load the
•If the address is 6Ah, the device puts the I2C interface in slave mode and waits for input.
7.2.3Reset Circuit
Because the TAS3002 device has an internal
In the case where the system power supplies are slow in reaching their final voltage or where there is a difference in the time the system power supplies take to become stable, the TAS3002 reset can be delayed by a simple RC circuit.
10 kΩ
0.1 ∝F
Figure 7−1. TAS3002 Reset Circuit
The reset delay for the above circuit can be calculated by the simple equation: trd = 0.8RC + 400 ∝s
Where: trd = The delay before the TAS3002 device comes out of reset
C = Value of the capacitance from RESET (pin 6) to DVSS
R = Value of the resistance from RESET (pin 6) to DVDD
The circuit described in Figure 7−1 delays the
When it is necessary to control the reset of the TAS3002 device with an external device, such as a microcontroller, RESET (pin 6) can be treated as a logic signal. It then brings the device out of reset when the voltage on RESET reaches VDD/2.
7.2.4Fast Load Mode
While in fast load