Jonsered LT2117A instruction manual Safety Rules, Training, II. Preparation, III. Operation

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1. Safety Rules

Safe Operation Practices for Ride-On Mowers



Read the instructions carefully. Be familiar with the controls and the proper use of the equipment.

Never allow children or people unfamiliar with the instruc- tions to use the lawnmower. Local regulations may restrict the age of the operator.

Never mow while people, especially children, or pets are nearby.

Keep in mind that the operator or user is responsible for accidents or hazards occurring to other people or their property.

Do not carry passengers.

All drivers should seek and obtain professional and prac- tical instruction. Such instruction should emphasize:

-the need for care and concentration when working with ride-on machines;

-control of a ride-on machine sliding on a slope will not be regained by the application of the brake.

The main reasons for loss of control are:

a)insuffi cient wheel grip;

b)being driven too fast;

c)inadequate braking;

d)the type of machine is unsuitable for its task;

e)lack of awareness of the effect of ground conditions,especially slopes;

f)incorrect hitching and load distribution.


To reduce the risk of fi re - before use, when refueling and at the end of each mowing session - inspect and remove any debris buildup from the tractor, mower and behind al guards.

While mowing, always wear substantial footwear and long trousers. Do not operate the equipment when barefoot or wearing open sandals.

Thoroughly inspect the area where the equipment is to be used and remove all objects which may be thrown by the machine.

WARNING - Petrol is highly fl ammable.

-Store fuel in containers specifi cally designed for this purpose.

-Refuel outdoors only and do not smoke while refu- eling.

-Add fuel before starting the engine. Never remove the cap of the fuel tank or add petrol while the engine is running or when the engine is hot.

-If petrol is spilled, do not attempt to start the engine but move the machine away from the area of spillage and avoid creating any source of ignition until petrol vapors have dissipated.

-Replace all fuel tanks and container caps securely.

Replace faulty silencers.

Before using, always visually inspect to see that the blades, blade bolts and cutter assembly are not worn or damaged. Replace worn or damaged blades and bolts in sets to preserve balance.

On multi-bladed machines, take care as rotating one blade can cause other blades to rotate.


Do not operate the engine in a confi ned space where dangerous carbon monoxide fumes can collect.

Mow only in daylight or in good artifi cial light.

Before attempting to start the engine, disengage all blade attachment clutches and shift into neutral.

Do not use on slopes of more than 5°.

Remember there is no such thing as a “safe” slope. Travel on grass slopes requires particular care. To guard against overturning;

-do not stop or start suddenly when going up or down- hill;

-engage clutch slowly, always keep machine in gear, especially when traveling downhill;

-machine speeds should be kept low on slopes and during tight turns;

-stay alert for humps and hollows and other hidden hazards;

-never mow across the face of the slope, unless the lawnmower is designed for this purpose.

Use care when pulling loads or using heavy equipment.

-Use only approved drawbar hitch points.

-Limit loads to those you can safely control.

-Do not turn sharply. Use care when reversing.

-Use counterweight(s) or wheel weights when sug- gested in the instruction handbook.

Watch out for traffi c when crossing or near roadways.

Stop the blades from rotating before crossing surfaces other than grass.

When using any attachments, never direct discharge of material toward bystanders nor allow anyone near the machine while in operation.

Never operate the lawnmower with defective guards, shields or without safety protective devices in place.

Do not change the engine governor settings or overspeed the engine. Operating the engine at excessive speed may increase the hazard of personal injury.

Before leaving the operator’s position:

-disengage the power take-off and lower the attach- ments;

-change into neutral and set the parking brake;

-stop the engine and remove the key.

Disengage drive to attachments, stop the engine, and disconnect the spark plug wire(s) or remove the ignition key

-before cleaning blockages or unclogging chute;

-before checking, cleaning or working on the lawn- mower;

-after striking a foreign object. Inspect the lawnmower for damage and make repairs before restarting and operating the equipment;

-if the machine starts to vibrate abnormally (check immediately).

Disengage drive to attachments when transporting or not in use.


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Contents LT2117A Page III. Operation Safety RulesTraining II. PreparationIV. Maintenance and Storage III. Betrieb SicherheitsvorschriftenSchulung II. VorbereitungIV. Wartung UND Lagerung III. Utilisation Règles de SécuritéPrécautions D’UTILISATION II. PréparationIV. Entretien ET Entreposage III. Operación Reglas De SeguridadInstrucción II. PreparaciónIV. Mantenimiento Y Almacenamiento III. Funzionamento Norme AntinfortunisticheAddestramento ALL’USO II. PreparazioneIV. Manutenzione E Periodi DI INATTIVITA’ Veiligheidsregels II. VoorbereidingIII. Bediening ISO 98/37/EC 2000/14/EC IV. Onderhoud EN OpslagReverse Pédale DE Frein / D’EMBRAYAGE Gefahr ZU Vermeiden Schwefelsäure Augen Unver Augen Schützen Montage du volant de direction Install steering wheelStuur installeren Einbau des LenkradesAsiento SeatSitz SiègeHinweis RemarqueNota Mise en place de la batterie Install battery Einbau der BatterieInstallazione della batteria Accu installeren02604 Para Ajustar LAS Ruedas Calibradoras To Adjust Gauge WheelsEinstellen DER Tasträder Reglage DES Roulettes DE JaugeAnordnung der Bedienungseinrichtungen Positioning of controlsDe plaats van de bedieningsorganen Emplacement des commandesUbicación de los mandos ComandiMandos del acelerador y del estrangulador Commande des gaz et starterThrottle and choke control Gas-und kaltstarthebelMotion control lever Levier de commande de la transmission hydrostatiqueBrake and clutch pedal Brems- und KupplungspedalSchnelles Heben und Senken des Mähaggre- gats Relevage et abaissement du carter de coupeElevación/descenso rápidos del equipo de corte Quick lifting/lowering of the cutting unitClé de contact et de démarrage ZündschloßCerradura de encendido Chiave di accensioneFreno de estacionamiento Parking brakeFeststellbremse Frein de stationnementFree-wheel Control Lever Cutting height settingBlocage et déblocage de la roue libre Acoplamiento y Desacoplamiento de Rueda LibrePlein de carburant Filling upReposición de combustible TankenNivel de aceite Oil levelÖlstand Niveau d’huileDriving . Betrieb . Conduite . Conducción Guida . Rijden Motore freddo Portare il comando del gas su choke Hinweis Purge Transmission Entlüften DES GetriebesPurge DE LA Transmission Su tractor esta ahora dispuesto para la operación nor- mal Purgar LA TransmisiónSpurgo Della Trasmissione Transmissie OntluchtenConducción DrivingBetrieb ConduiteSistema de Funcionamiento Atrás ROS Reverse Operation System ROSRückwärtsgangsystem ROS Sécurité Marche Arrière ROS Reverse Op- eration SystemRatschläge zum Rasenmähen Sistema per operazioni in retromarcia ROSReverse Operation System systeem voor achteruit ROS Cutting tipsMaaitips Conseils pour la tonteConsejos para el corte Consigli per il taglio dell’erbaWaarschuwing AdvertenciaPericolo WarnungArresto del motore Switching off the engineArrêt du moteur Parada del motorRelever le capot Débrancher les phares Engine hoodMotorhaube Capot moteurCubierta del motor Cofano MotoreMotorkap Mantenimiento MaintenanceWartung EntretienMantenimiento del motor To service engineWartung des Motors Pour assurer lentretien du moteurWartungsnachweis Service RecordInforme DE Servicio Schema DentretienDati DI Servizio Service AantekeningenFahrer-Anwesenheitssystem und Rückwärts- gangsystem ROS Operator Presence System and Reverse Opera- tion System ROSControl Sistema Presencia Operador Blades MesserbalkenLames Eleve la segadora hasta su posición más alta para Poder CuchillasLame MessenFreno BrakesBremse FreinDesmontaje de la unidad de corte Dismantling of the cutting unitDemontage des Mähdecks Depose du Carter de CoupeMise en place du carter de coupe Assembly of the cutting unitReplacement of drive belt for cutting unit Einbau des MähdecksAjuste de la unidad de corte Adjustment of the cutting unitEinstellung des Mähaggregats Réglage du carter de coupeReglage Transversal SIDE-TO-SIDE AdjustmentAdjuste DE Lado a Lado Seitliche EinstellungCambio de correa propulsora Replacement of drive beltRemplacement de la courroie dentraînement Auswechsein des TreibriemensTransaxle Motion Control Lever Neutral Adjustment Reglage DU Levier DE LA Commande D’AVANCEMENTErati Enfriamiento DEL Transeje Transaxle CoolingTRANSACHSEN-KÜHLUNG Refroidissement DE LA TransmissionTroubleshooting 7. Störungssuche Recherche des pannes . Búsqueda de averías Ricerca guasti . Het localiseren van fouten Servicio ServiceStorage . Aufbewahrung . Remisage . Conservación Entretien et réparationsServizio Rismessaggio . StallenPage