•Inspect blades and blade bolts for looseness and excessive wear. Replace damaged, worn, and missing blades.
•Ensure guards are in position and not damaged. Replace worn, broken, and missing guards.
•Inspect that all bolts and screws are in position and are properly torqued.
•Ensure hydraulic lines are properly connected to the hydraulic valve and cylinders. Check for hydraulic leaks along hoses and fittings. DO NOT use your hands to check for oil leaks. Use a piece of heavy paper or cardboard to check for hydraulic oil leaks.
•Ensure hydraulic cylinder is installed and retained correctly. Ensure the proper size pins are used to retain the cylinder in place and are secured with pins.
•Remove any grass or other debris which may be wrapped around the cutterbar.
Do not operate this Equipment with hydraulic oil or fuel leaking. Oil and fuel are explosive and their presence could present a hazard. Do not check for leaks with your hand!
Do not put hands or feet near the cutter bar. Blade contact can result in serious injury. Stay away until all motion has stopped and the mower is securely blocked up.
RMB 1865 11/10 | Operation Section |
© 2010 Alamo Group Inc.