Computer Equipment
Cisco Systems
Computer Equipment
Cisco Systems
15600 manual
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DLPs E100 to E199
DLP-E100 Initiate a Force Switch on a Port in a 1+1 Protection Group
DLP-E101 Apply a Lock On in a 1+1 Group
DLP-E102 Apply a Lockout in a 1+1 Group
DLP-E103 Initiate a Manual Switch on a Path Protection Circuit
DLP-E104 Initiate a Force Switch to a Path Protection Circuit
DLP-E105 Create a DCC Tunnel
DLP-E106 Clean Fiber Connectors
DLP-E107 Clean the Fiber Adapters
DLP-E108 Verify that a 1+1 Working Port is Active
DLP-E109 Drill Holes to Anchor and Provide Access to the Bay Assembly
DLP-E110 Assign a Name to a Port
DLP-E111 Provision Path Protection Selectors During Circuit Creation
DLP-E112 Provision a Half Circuit Source and Destination on a BLSR or 1+1
DLP-E113 Provision a Half Circuit Source and Destination on a Path Protection
DLP-E114 Provision Section DCC Terminations
DLP-E115 Change the Service State for a Port
DLP-E116 Remap the K3 Byte
DLP-E119 Set Auto-Refresh Interval for Displayed PM Counts
DLP-E120 Remove the Narrow CRMs
DLP-E121 Replace the Existing 600-mm Kick Plates with 900-mm Kick Plates
DLP-E122 Manual Switch the Node Timing Reference
DLP-E123 Clear a Manual Switch on a Node Timing Reference
DLP-E124 Set the Optical Power Received Nominal Value
DLP-E125 Provision the IIOP Listener Port on the ONS 15600
DLP-E126 Provision the IIOP Listener Port on the CTC Computer
DLP-E127 Edit Path Protection Circuit Path Selectors
DLP-E128 Change the Node Name, Date, Time, and Contact Information
DLP-E129 Enable Dialog Box Do-Not-Display Option
DLP-E130 Change Security Policy on a Single Node
DLP-E131 Change Security Policy on Multiple Nodes
DLP-E132 Change User Password and Security Levels for a Single Node
DLP-E133 Change User and Security Settings for Multiple Nodes
DLP-E135 Log Out a User on a Single Node
DLP-E136 Log Out a User on Multiple Nodes
DLP-E137 Check the Network for Alarms and Conditions
DLP-E140 Disable Proxy Service Using Internet Explorer (Windows)
DLP-E141 Disable Proxy Service Using Netscape (Windows and UNIX)
DLP-E142 Install the Narrow CRMs
DLP-E143 Install the Wide CRMs
DLP-E144 Use the Reinitialization Tool to Clear the Database and Upload Software (Windows)
DLP-E145 Connect the PDU Ground Cables to the PDU
DLP-E146 Install Isolated Logic Ground
DLP-E147 Check BLSR or Path Protection Alarms and Conditions
DLP-E150 Clear a BLSR Force Ring Switch
DLP-E152 Install Public-Key Security Certificate
DLP-E153 Changing the Maximum Number of Session Entries for Alarm History
DLP-E154 Delete Alarm Severity Profiles
DLP-E155 Enable Alarm Filtering
DLP-E156 Modify Alarm and Condition Filtering Parameters
DLP-E157 Disable Alarm Filtering
DLP-E158 Manually Lock or Unlock a User on a Single Node
DLP-E159 Manually Lock or Unlock a User on Multiple Nodes
DLP-E160 Verify BLSR Extension Byte Mapping
DLP-E161 Single Shelf Control Card Switch Test
DLP-E163 Delete Circuits
DLP-E165 Change an OC-N Card
DLP-E167 Clear a Manual or Force Switch in a 1+1 Protection Group
DLP-E168 Clear a Lock On or Lockout in a 1+1 Protection Group
DLP-E169 Initiate a Lockout on a Path Protection Path
DLP-E170 Clear a Switch or Lockout on a Path Protection Circuit
DLP-E171 Verify Fan Operation
DLP-E172 Install Fiber-Optic Cables for Path Protection Configurations
DLP-E176 Edit Path Protection Dual-Ring Interconnect Circuit Hold-Off Timer
DLP-E177 Change Tunnel Type
DLP-E178 Delete Overhead Circuits
DLP-E179 Repair an IP Tunnel
DLP-E180 Provision Path Trace on Circuit Source and Destination Ports
DLP-E181 Provision Path Trace on OC-N Ports
DLP-E182 Create Login Node Groups
DLP-E183 Delete a Node from the Current Session or Login Group
DLP-E184 Configure the CTC Alerts Dialog Box for Automatic Popup
DLP-E185 Change the JRE Version
DLP-E186 Remove Pass-through Connections
DLP-E187 Delete a Node from a Specified Login Node Group
DLP-E188 Change a Circuit Service State
DLP-E189 Provision Line DCC Terminations
DLP-E190 Provision a Proxy Tunnel
DLP-E191 Provision a Firewall Tunnel
DLP-E192 Delete a Proxy Tunnel
DLP-E193 Delete a Firewall Tunnel
DLP-E196 Change a Section DCC Termination
DLP-E197 Change a Line DCC Termination
DLP-E198 Delete a Section DCC Termination
DLP-E199 Delete a Line DCC Termination