fIn the CONTrol field, choose ROute.
gClick Apply.
Configuring PPP Authentication
To configure PPP authentication, you will need to communicate with your partner office (Office B) and exchange user names and passwords.
Offices A and B must be configured before remote connectivity can be established.
For remote access security at Office A, assign passwords and usernames to your OfficeConnect NETBuilder 10 bridge/router network.
Office A Configuration
For remote access security at Office A, assign passwords and usernames to your OfficeConnect NETBuilder 10 bridge/router network.
To configure PPP authentication for Office A, follow these steps:
1Return to the Web Link home page by clicking Web Link in the banner.
2In the navigation frame, click the Configuration link.
3In the navigation frame, click the IP Routing link.
4In the Dial on Demand Dynamic Dial section of the navigation frame, click the PPP AuthLocalUser link.
a In the start field, choose 4.
b In the AuthLocalUser field, enter the username and password for Office A (your office) in quotes. For example, enter:
"OfficeA" "passwordA" c Click Apply.
5In the Dial on Demand Dynamic Dial section of the navigation frame, click the PPP AuthRemoteUser link.
a In the start field, choose 4.