3Com Switch 4200G Family | 21 |
Command Reference | |
igmp-snooping router-aging-time
Use the igmp-snoopingrouter-aging-timecommand to configure the aging time of the router port.
System view
info-center channel name
Use the info-center channel name command to name the channel of the specified number.
System view
info-center console channel
Use the info-center console channel command to enable information output to the console through a specified channel.
System view
info-center enable
Use the info-center enable command to enable the information center.
System view
info-center logbuffer
Use the info-center logbuffer command to enable information output to the log buffer through the specified channel (you can also set the size of the log buffer in this command).
System view
info-center loghost
Use the info-center loghost command to enable information output to a log host through the specified channel.
System view
info-center loghost source
Use the info-center loghost source command to configure the source interface through which log information is sent to the log host.
System view
info-center monitor channel
Use the info-center monitor channel command to enable information output to terminals through a specified channel.
System view
info-center snmp channel
Use the info-center snmp channel command to enable information output to the SNMP through a specified channel.
System view
info-center source
Use the info-center source command to add a record (that is, an information source) to an information channel.
System view
info-center synchronous
Use the info-center synchronous command to enable synchronous terminal output.
System view
Use the info-center synchronous command to enable synchronous terminal output, so that if system information (such as log information) is output when the user is inputting, the command prompt and input information are echoed after the output (note that, the command prompt is echoed in command edit state but is not echoed in interactive state).
info-center timestamp
Use the info-center timestamp command to set the format of time stamp included in the log/trap/debug information or specify not to include time stamp in the information.
System view
info-center timestamp loghost
Use the info-center timestamp loghost command to set the format of time stamp to be sent to log host.
System view
info-center trapbuffer
Use the info-center trapbuffer command to enable information output to the trap buffer.
System view
Use the instance command to map specified VLANs to a specified spanning tree instance.
MST Region view