5Log in as root. Type:




6Click the OK button to enter a null string as the password, which is the default local password.

The default Web Link page opens in the browser window.

Using the Menu-Driven Interface

Web Link Interface Description

The Web Link application window has three frames. All of the frames can be resized by dragging the frame borders using the left mouse button.

Web Link Banner Frame Click Help, Documentation, the 3Com Library, 3Com Support, and 3Com Contacts in the banner to access these resources.

The Configuration shortcut takes you to the configuration form for the bridge/router or tunnel switch. The Diagnostics shortcut provides access to further diagnostics of the bridge/router or tunnel switch. The Health shortcut provides access to device statistics.

Web Link Navigator Frame The Web Link Navigator Frame provides links to the Health, Configuration, Diagnostics and Help Functions

Web Link Summary Frame The Summary Frame contains a graphic of the device being configured and a form showing current values for the selected parameters.

After you have entered Web Link, you can use the options to configure whatever services are required.

The MEnu command allows you to perform the following operations:

List the services available on the bridge/router or tunnel switch.

Choose a service and see the list of parameters available for the service.

List the parameters in the current service.

Choose a parameter and see the commands used with it.

Check the active and default values of a particular parameter.

Display the syntax of a particular parameter.

Enter the new value of a parameter.

To use the menu-driven interface, you must have Network Manager privilege. When using the menu-driven interface, you cannot access some parameters; for example, you cannot alter the number of lines on the screen, or change privilege level.

Accessing the NETBuilder bridge/router through the REMote command requires the command-line interface.

To use the menu-driven interface, follow these steps:

1Access the main menu by entering:


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3Com 11.3 manual Log in as root. Type, Web Link Interface Description