IP Address of this end of the ISDN link By default this field is set to UNNUMBERED which allows unnumbered links to be used. This options is suitable for most network configurations. See Appendix A for more information about numbered and unnumbered links.
If you want to use numbered links, you must enter an IP address for this port that is on a different network or subnetwork than the unit’s IP address.
If you are routing IPX using PPP, you must use numbered links.
IP Address at the other end of the ISDN link By default this field is set to UNNUMBERED indicating unnumbered links are being used. If you are using numbered links, type the IP address of the remote ISDN port on the unit to which you want to connect. It must be on the same network or subnetwork as the local ISDN port.
IP Mask of the ISDN Link If you are using unnumbered links, leave this field set to If you are using numbered links, type a subnet mask suitable use with the IP addresses you have selected for the ISDN ports at both ends of the link. See Appendix A for more information about subnet masks.
IP Address of the Remote Host Type the IP address of a host on the remote network to which you want to connect.
IP Mask of the remote host’s network Type an IP subnet mask to filter connections to inappropriate hosts. See Appendix A for more information about subnet masks.
Make of remote router This option sets PPP parameters needed to connect to the remote unit in its default configuration. If the remote unit’s PPP configuration has been altered, you will need to amend the PPP parameters on this unit to reflect the changes. Refer to the Software Reference guide for more information
Toggle this field to the type of remote router to which you are connecting. The PPP options for the default settings at the remote router are then automatically configured when you press [CTRL]+[E] to exit this screen. The options are:
■Default – Use this option if you are connecting to another OfficeConnect Remote. Also use this option if the remote unit is none of the following and amend the PPP parameters accordingly.