Parameter | Description | Option |
Size | Specifies the size of your hard disk, in MB | User Input |
Hard Disk | When set to Auto, the BIOS utility automa- |
LBA Mode | tically detects if the installed hard disk sup- |
| ports the function. If supported, it allows |
| you to use a hard disk with a capacity of |
| more than 528 MB. This is made possible |
| through the Logical Block Address (LBA) |
| mode translation. However, this enhanced |
| IDE feature works only under DOS, Win- |
| dows 3.x, Windows 95, Windows 98, Win- |
| dows NT 3.5 and above, and Windows |
| 2000. Other operating systems require this |
| parameter to be set to Disabled. |
Hard Disk | Enhances disk performance depending on |
Block Mode | the hard disk in use. If you set this parame- |
| ter to Auto, the BIOS utility automatically |
| detects if the installed hard disk drive |
| suports the Block Mode function. If sup- |
| ported, it allows data transfer in blocks |
| (multiple sectors) at a rate of 256 bytes per |
| cycle. |
Hard Disk 32- Improves system performance by allowing
bit Access the use of the
Advanced | When set to Auto, the BIOS utility automa- | Auto |
PIO Mode | tically detects if the installed hard disk sup- | Mode 0 |
| ports the function. If supported, it allows | Mode 1 |
| for faster data recovery and read/write | Mode 2 |
| timing that reduces hard disk activity time. | Mode 3 |
| This results in better hard disk perfor- | Mode 4 |
| mance. To disregard the feature, change | Enabled |
| the setting to Disabled. | Disabled |