Installing ATM Software for Novell NetWare
ANA-5910/5930/5940 Use r’s Gui de
Stock Number: 510694-00, Rev. C Page: 8-11
Print Spec Number: 493081-00
Current Date: 5/28/97 ECN Date: 05/29/97
The system scans for available drivers.
8In the Specify a directory path screen, type the following path
and press Enter:
9Insert the ALANE Driver for Novell NetWare v1.0 diskette in a
diskette drive, verify the directory path, and press Enter.
10 From the Select a driver to install menu, select ALANE.LAN
and press Enter.
11 At the Do you want to copy driver ALANE.LAN?, select Yes and
press Enter.
The system copies the Adaptec ATM software from the
diskette to the hard disk drive.
12 From the Board AL ANE_1 (Driver ALANE) A ctions menu,
select Select/Modify driver parameters and p rotocols and
press Enter.
13 Press F3 to manually set IPX frame types.
14 From the Frame Type List, select the appropriate frame type(s)
and press F10.
15 From the ALANE_1 Protocols menu, se lect an y othe r pr otoc ol s
needed, such as TCP/IP or AppleTalk, and press Enter.
16 In the ALANE_1 Parameters section, configure the LANE
Client by changing the following parameters, as needed.
Parameter Defaul t
Value Possible
Values Description
1516 1516,
Specifies the maximum
transfer size the ELANE
should support.
ELANE ID 0 0, 1, 2, 3 Identifies the slot
occupied by the
supports up to 4
emulated LANs,
numbered 0–3.