ANA-5910/5930/5940 User’s Guide
ANA-5910/5930/5940 Use r’s Gui de
Stock Number: 510694-00, Rev. C Page: A-2
Print Spec Number: 493081-00
Current Date: 5/28/97 ECN Date: 05/29/97
The adapter delivers high performance in terms of low latency, high
throughput, and fast response time. Th e adapte r supports
simultaneous inbou n d an d outbound transfers at th e i r m a xim um
line speed of either 25 Mbits/sec for the ANA-5910 or 155 Mbits/sec
for the ANA-5930/5940.
One of the adapter’s most important functions is to perform the
segmentation and reassembly of data for communication with the
ATM network. The adapter s egmen ts o utgoi ng PDUs in to ATM cells
and transmits them to an ATM switch for forwarding to thei r
destination. The adapter uses AAL 5 protocol to map PDUs into the
information field of the ATM cell. The adapter also reassembles
incoming cells into a larger frame and uses a buffer management
scheme for the efficient tr an sfer of PDUs between th e a da p t er and
the host computer.
At the physical layer, the ANA-5930/5940 supports the SONET/
SDH and STS-3c/STM-1 155-Mbit/sec physical transport standards.
The ANA-5910 conforms to the ATM Forum’s 25.6-Mbit/sec
standard transmissio n me th od.
ANA-5930 Category 5
Twisted Pair
Copper Cable
Shielded 100 m 155.0
ANA-5940 Multimode Fiber
(MMF) 62.5/125
SC 2 km 155.0
Adapt er ATM Network Cable Type Connect or