ANA-5910/5930/5940 User’s Guide
ANA-5910/5930/5940 Use r’s Gui de
Stock Number: 510694-00, Rev. C Page: B-4
Print Spec Number: 493081-00
Current Date: 5/28/97 ECN Date: 05/29/97
Driver Console Error MessagesThe
utility is run from the MS-DOS prompt. To
access the MS-DOS prompt from withi n Windows NT, select the
MS-DOS Command Prompt icon from Program Manager’s Main
group window.
To start the console from the current MS-DOS directory, enter the
following command:
To start the console on the separate MS-DOS screen, enter the
following command:
start aatmcons
To exit the console, press Ctrl+C.
Test failed on test
count= xxx Message printed when a test fails in loop
mode. xxx is the number of tests that ran
before the error occurred. For example, if
three tests are executed in loopmode with the
following error message as follows:
ADM:0> loop
LoopMode> selftest
LoopMode> sar_mem_e
LoopMode> atm_ext
LoopMode> end
ATM External Tests
Test failed on test count= 9
Failed test count of 9 indicates that the third
execution of test atm_ext failed. The previous
three executions of tests selftest and
sar_mem_e all passed. Call technical support.
Warning: Invalid Debug
level specified Invalid Debug level was specified with the -d
option. Valid values are 0 or 1.
Warning: Syntax Error
on command. An incorrect command syntax was used.
Enter aatmdiag -h at a command line or help
while running the
utility to get
specific details on the correct command
Diagnostic Error Message Description