ANA-5910/5930/5940 User’s Guide
Stock Number: 510694-00, Rev. C Page: Glossary-11
Print Spec Number: 493081-00
Current Date: 5/28/97 ECN Date: 05/29/97
addresses. The standards in this
field are still not fully stable.
Simple Network Management
Protocol. A protocol used to
gather activity inf ormation on a
TCP/IP network for monitoring
and statistical purposes.
Synchronous Optical Network.
A U.S. and Canadian standard
for optical digital transmission
at hierarchical rates from
155Mbits/sec to 2.5 Gbits/sec
and beyond.
Switched Virtual Connection/
Circuit. A logical (not physical)
connection between endpoints
established by the ATM network
on demand after recei ving a
connection request from the
source/root, which it transmits
using the Q.2931 signaling
protocol. See PVC.
T1 is a 1.544 Mbits/sec
multichannel digital
transmission system for voice or
data provided by long distance
carriers. T3 is similar but
operates at 44.736 Mbits/sec.
Also referred to as DS1 and DS3
(Data Service).
A standardized 100 Mbits/sec
fiber physical interface for ATM.
Transmission Convergence. A
sublayer in the ATM physical
layer before the PMD. Performs
functions as cell delineation, cell
rate decoupling, HEC
generation and checking and
various OAM fund3-26()]TJı˝T*ı˝0.007 Tcı˝-0.037 Twı˝[(e016 Twı˝54E-13)8([ 652OA)Pcı˝[(TA)-72(X)-63(I)]TJı˝/F10 1037 Twı˝39.10 9.84 134.21(C )]TJ02Tmı˝0.015 . h3-26()]TJı˝T*ı˝0.007 Tcı˝-0.037 Twı˝09.6 9.84 134