ANA-5910/5930/5940 User’s Guide
ANA-5910/5930/5940 Use r’s Gui de
Stock Number: 51069 4-00, Rev. C Page: 5-6
Print Spec Number: 493081-00
Current Date: 5/28/97 ECN Date: 05/29/97
The Adaptec LANE Configuration dialog box appears.Set the editable parameters as follows, and select OK.Parameter Setting
ELAN Number This read-only field contains the
number automatically assigned to the
LAN during installation. The
ANA-5910/5930/5940 supports up to
four emulated LANs, numbered 0–3.
Server ATM Address Enter the ATM address of the LECS or
of the LES; 20-digit (hex) address,
separated by dots (.). The default
setting is WELL-KNOWN LECS
Server Type Select lecs if the server is a
Configuratio n Server; se lect les if the
server is a LAN Emulation Server.
Switch Type Select 3.0 from the drop-down list if
the switch software supports UNI 3.0
signaling; select 3.1 if the switch
supports UNI 3.1 signaling.
LAN Type Select 802.3 from the drop-down list if
Ethernet LAN emulation is to be
enabled in the LANE driver; select
802.5 if Token-ring LAN emulation is
to be enabled.