Total Access 600 Series SHDSL IAD User Interface Guide/64200683L1-31B

Page 49

Managing the Modules – Modules

￿Use the #￿ ￿!￿￿￿menu to view and set the parameters shown in Figure 17. The Total Access 600 contains four fixed modules: The WAN/Network interface, FXS, Echo Canceller/ADPCM module, and the V.35 interface. The #￿ : ￿!￿￿ table allows management of the on-board modules in the Total Access 600.

This menu contains #￿￿￿, ￿!￿￿#, ￿￿￿￿, and ￿￿￿￿￿￿ indicators/menus customized for each module.

Figure 17. Modules Menu



Data Rate

Used to select data rate of the network connection. (This should match the DSLAM settings.)

Frame Mode

Used to select either SDSL Framed (def) or SDSL Framed Plesiosynchronous with bit stuffing. (This should match the DSLAM settings.)

Annex A/B

Used to select ￿￿￿￿-￿￿>￿￿￿￿￿-￿0>or both.


Chooses between ￿￿￿:￿￿))￿￿? or 2!￿0￿￿1￿￿￿￿￿￿?.


These tests are meant for debug purposes only. A reboot may be required to return the Total Access 600 to normal operation.

Network Loopback

Sets the network interface in loopback mode.

© 2002, ADTRAN, Inc.

Total Access 600 Series User Manual

Page 49
Image 49
ADTRAN 600 Series user manual Managing the Modules Modules, Menu, Test