General Information
11970 Series Harmonic Mixers
General Information
Option 009, shown in Figure
Spectrum Analyzer Retrofit Requirements
•The 11970 Series Mixers are fully compatible with all 8566B Spectrum Analyzers.
•856x Series portable spectrum analyzers with options 002 (tracking generator) and 327 (no IF IN on front panel) do not have external mixing capability.
•856x Series Portable Spectrum Analyzers require option 008, or FW date code ≤ 920528, for signal identification functionality.
•Agilent E4407B spectrum analyzers require option AYZ (LO Out and IF IN connections).
•MMS analyzers using 11970 series mixers must have a front end model 70907A, 70907B, 70909A, or 70910A, as well as a 70900A/B with firmware new enough for those modules:
Model |
| FW Date Code: |
| (or newer) |
70907A | - | 860203 |
70907B | - | 900314 |
70909A | - | 910802 |
70910A | - | 910802 |
Chapter 1 | 9 |