Chapter 6 Application Programs

Excel 5.0 Example for Windows 3.1 and GPIB

Diode bas Macro

Option Explicit '"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

'This is the subroutine first executed. Modify this routine

'to suit your needs. To change the GPIB address, go to the module GPIB,

'Sub OpenPort(), and change the variable VISAaddr = "5" to the

'required GPIB address '""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Sub Diode()

Range("B5:B15").ClearContents Dim I As Integer




'Reset E3632A to power on condition

SendSCPI "Output ON"

'Turn on the output

For I = 5 To 15


'Convert the worksheet value to a string, add to SCPI command SendSCPI "Volt" & Str$(Cells(I, 1))

'Request a current measurement, put response in worksheet Cells(I, 2) = Val(SendSCPI("meas:current?"))

Next I


SendSCPI "Output OFF"

'Turn off the output



End Sub



Page 137
Image 137
Agilent Technologies E3632A manual 136