Chapter 6 Application Programs

Excel 5.0 Example for Windows 3.1 and GPIB

GPIB bas Macro

Option Explicit

'- Declarations for VISA.DLL, additional declarations are usually in the

'directory c:\vxipnp\win\include in file visa.bas, also see the VISA manual Declare Function viOpenDefaultRM Lib "VISA.DLL" Alias "#141" (sesn As Long) As Long Declare Function viOpen Lib "VISA.DLL" Alias "#131" (ByVal sesn As Long, _

ByVal desc As String, ByVal mode As Long, ByVal TimeOut As Long, vi As Long) As Long Declare Function viClose Lib "VISA.DLL" Alias "#132" (ByVal vi As Long) As Long Declare Function viRead Lib "VISA.DLL" Alias "#256" (ByVal vi As Long, _

ByVal Buffer As String, ByVal Count As Long, retCount As Long) As Long Declare Function viWrite Lib "VISA.DLL" Alias "#257" (ByVal vi As Long, _ ByVal Buffer As String, ByVal Count As Long, retCount As Long) As Long

'Error Codes and other global variables

Global Const


= &h0&





As Long

' resource manager id for VISA GPIB


vi As





stores the session for VISA

Dim errorStatus As




VTL error code


'This routine requires the file VISA.dll. It typically resides under

'the directory c:\windows\system. This routine uses the VTL Library to

'send commands to an instrument. A description of these and additional

'VTL commands are contained in the Hewlett Packard Visa Transition

'Library book Agilent PN E2094-90002.


Function SendSCPI(SCPICmd As String) As String

'This function will send a SCPI command string to the

'GPIB port. If the command contains a question mark,

'the response is read, and returned.

Dim readbuf As String * 512


buffer used for

returned string

Dim crlfpos As Integer


location of CR's and

LF's in readbuf

Dim cmdString

As String


command passed to instrument

Dim ReturnString As String


string returned



Dim actual As



number of characters


'Set up an error handler within

this subroutine


will get

'called if an

error occurs.





On Error GoTo






'Write the command to the instrument terminated

by a


cmdstring = SCPICmd & Chr$(10)





errorStatus =

viWrite(vi, ByVal

commandstr, Len(commandstr), actual)



Page 138
Image 138
Agilent Technologies E3632A manual 137, Visuccess