If you are familiar with this setup, then you already understand most of the DPS24 as this is
pretty much what the DPS24 offers!
However, instead of separate analog units, all the above is done digitally within the DPS24
so that you enjoy the benefits of superior sound quality, automated mixing, non-destructive
editing and much more besides in one convenient unit.
The obvious benefit of the DPS24 versus individual components is the simplification of the
cabling between components. No need for expensive "snakes" between the mixer and the
recorder, etc. All the cabling required is the connection from the sources and to the monitors.
Another advantage is that the data and parameters of all included components are stored
together, on the hard drive, in a single file for each song, called a PROJECT.
When loading a Project, the whole system is recalled in a single operation: audio tracks,
edits, routing, mixer (levels, EQ, ...) and automation, effects settings.
In the same way, when Projects are backed-up or restored (which can be done via CD-R, SCSI
or USB), the data for the whole system is included.
This reference manual covers the general operation of the various components included in
the DPS24.
Take a little time to look at the control panel and get familiar with the various keys and
controls of the surface.
As you will see, everything in the DPS24 is laid out very logically:
The Multi-Track recorder/editor is controlled using the 24 RECORD/EDIT SELECT keys for
arming/editing the 24 Tracks and the full TRANSPORT section, including the GOTO and
MEMORY keys for auto-locate functions, as well as the JOG/SHUTTLE wheel for audio
scrubbing. A scrolling graphic view of the 24 tracks is displayed using the GRID key
The Editing functions are accessed via the EDIT/DSP mode key and the Virtual Tracks via
The Mixer section is controlled using the FADER BANK keys, the Faders, Channel ON keys
(for Mute/Solo) and Channel SELECT keys, the Q-CHANNEL/Q-STRIP encoders and keys,
the MIX SCENE STORE and RECALL keys, and of course, the MIXER key.
The Automation is accessed via .... the AUTOMATE key.
The Patch Bay is controlled using the ASSIGN L/R and GROUP keys, and of course, the
The Effects are accessed via.... the FX key.
Projects are managed in the PROJECT mode.
Global Project settings are accessed via the SETUP key.
Finally, Audio CD writing functions are accessed via the CD-R key (SHIFT+SETUP).
The detailed operation of all those controls is described is this manual.
Recording via Groups is only the default configuration of the DPS24. However, if you are not
familiar with 8-buss recording operation, the routing of the DPS24 can be changed to bypass the groups, by
patching inputs directly to tracks. Please refer to the PATCH mode for more details.
v1.6 Operator’s Manual