The different channels are selected using the FADER BANK keys located above the trans-
port keys. The types of mixer channel types are as follows:
INPUTS 12 general purpose mixer channels which can be used to mix the
DPS24's various input sources. The channels can also be used to add
EQ and dynamics and also to send the channels to either the internal
effects and/or the AUX bus. By default, input sources are ADCs 1-12.
TRACKS 24 mixer channels which are sourced from the internal disk recorder.
The channels can also be used to add EQ and dynamics and also to
send the channels to either the internal effects and/or the AUX bus.
8 channels providing control of the 8 group bus master levels. Pan, EQ,
dynamics and FX/AUX sends are not available on these channels.
By default, these 4 stereo channels provide control the stereo returns of
the internal effects with balance control and FX/Aux sends. However,
these channels can be re-patched to mix any of the DPS24 input sources.
FX SEND 4 channels providing control of the 4 fx bus master send levels.
AUX SEND 4 channels providing control of the 4 aux bus master send levels.
AUX IN A stereo auxiliary mixer channel allowing the AUX L/R inputs to be
mixed to the main L/R bus with level and mute control only. This
channel has a fixed source.
MIDI CONTROLLER 16 channels each providing 2 MIDI controllers which can be assigned
to any MIDI channel or controller. Controller #1 is contr olled by the
channel fader and Controller #2 is controlled by the channel's PAN
control. By default, these are configured to send MIDI Volume (CC#7)
on Controller #1 and MIDI Pan (CC#10) on Contr oller #2.
There are 4 fixed Fader Banks and 5 assignable User Banks arranged as follows :
INP 1-12 These channels control Inputs1-12.
TRACKS 1-12 These channels control Tracks 1-12.
TRACKS 13-24 These channels control Tracks 13-24.
GROUP/FX Channels 1-8 control the Group Output levels, and Channels 9-12
control the stereo FX return channels (default to internal FX returns)
USER BANK Selects the first bank of user assignable channels. By default, they are
assigned as follows:
- Channels 1-4 control the master send levels to the FX buss.
- Channels 5-8 control the master send levels to the AUX buss.
- Channel 9 controls the stereo AUX IN.
- Channels 10-12 control MIDI controllers1-3
SHIFT + INP 1-12 Ext User-Bank 1 (no default assignment)
SHIFT + TRACKS 1-12 Ext User-Bank 2 (no default assignment)
SHIFT + TRACKS 13-24 Ext User-Bank 3 (no default assignment)
SHIFT + GROUP/FX Ext User-Bank 4 (no default assignment)
The User Banks configurations are assigned in the SETUP mode.
v1.6 Operator’s Manual