Q-LINK CONTROLSIn some pages, on the right side of the screen, adjustable parameters are available. Those
parameters are adjusted using the corresponding Q1-Q6 Q-Link knobs directly to the right
of the screen.
Those Q-link knobs can be used to:
* enter parameter values.
For instance, in the FX or CHANNEL Dynamics pages:
* select option parameters.
For instance in the SETUP pages:
* scroll through lists / data entry
In particular, Q5 and Q6 knobs are often used for scrolling/data entry in as many pages as
In general, if Q5/Q6 are not used for page specific Q-Controls, Q5 moves left-right and Q6
moves up-down, unless one direction is meaningless, in which case the Q-Link knob for that
direction becomes data increment/decrement.
Following are some examples:
v1.6 Operator’s Manual