30 Top Panel
NAMINGIt is possible to name things on the DPS24 from the front panel.
However, we thoroughly recommend that you connect a PS2 keyboard as this makes naming
MUCH easier and suitable keyboards for the purpose can be bought very cheaply at any
high street store that sells computers. Do not use a keyboard that requires a driver installa-
tion. Use only a keyboard that does not have special features such as Internet keys, Multime-
dia keys, built-in trackball. The simpler, the better. For instance, the BTC˛ 5106 costs only a
few US dollars and works well with the DPS24.
When you go to name something, you will see this pop-up:
You can use Q1 to set upper case characters A-Z
You can use Q2 to set lower case characters a-z
You can use Q3 (or the numeric keypad) to enter numbers 0-9
You can use Q4 to enter the following special characters ! # $ % & ' ( ) + , - ; = @ [ ]
You can use Q6 or the cursor keys to move the cursor left/right
You can use F3 to insert spaces
You can use F4 to backspace/delete
Press F6 or the ENTER key to confirm the new name and execute the current function.
Press F1 or the CANCEL key to abort name entry and return to the previous screen.
Whilst is perfectly feasible to enter names in this way, we are the first to admit that it is
near as convenient as using an external keyboard.
v1.6 Operator’s Manual