Another way to look at the relationship between the two is thus:
The compressor's threshold cannot be set below the expander's. Likewise, the expander's
threshold cannot be set above the compressor's.
RATIO Sets the ratio for the compressor or the expander.
For the expander, a ratio of -INF means that the expander is effectively disabled.
ATTACK Sets the time it takes before the audio is processed.
RELEASE Sets the time it takes for the audio processing to finish.
OUTPUT Makes up for any gain reduction that may occur in the process.
Other controls that affect the MBCX 'globally' are found in the left hand window and are
accessed using the CURSOR < / > keys. These are:
DELAY This parameter allows the MBCX to 'predict' the signal that is coming
(in other words, the effect is delayed). What this means in practice is
that if a signal is coming that has a very large transient, the MBCX will
be ready for it so that when it arrives at the MBCX's input, the transient
won't 'overshoot' and cause potential distortion. To set this up, listen to
the track you are mastering - if you detect any 'overshoot', adjust the
delay time until the problem is eliminated.
EDIT : ONE/ALL Normally, you edit each frequency band individually but, with ALL
selected, you can control all four bands simultaneously.
v1.6 Operator’s Manual