The SETUP key's SHIFT function is CD-R and shows you this screen:
This page provides access to all the functions related to Audio CD creation.
The large window on the left shows general information. None of the parameters are editable but are:
CD DRIVE Shows the selected CDR Drive
Shows the currently selected project. To select another to record to CD,
load the appropriate project in the PROJECT mode.
WRITE TIME Shows how long it will take to record the selected region to CD.
The Write Time is only shown if a valid CDR (Blank or Unfinished) is
inserted in the drive.
DISC STATUS NO DISK appears if no disc is inserted in the drive.
BLANK appears if a Blank CDR is inserted in the drive
NOT FINISHED appears if the Finish process has not been performed.
FINISHED appears if the Finish process has already been performed.
DATA DISK appears if an ISO Data CD is inserted in the drive.
TOTAL TRACKS Displays the total number of tracks on the CD.
USED ON DISC Indicates the total time recorded on the CD.
FREE ON DISC Indicates the total time free for recording on the CD.
The Free On Disc Time is only shown if a valid CDR (Blank or Unfin-
ished) is inserted in the drive.
To the right are parameters that can be adjusted using the Q-Link controls. They are:
LEFT TRACK Selects which track of the source project will be recorded as the left
track on the CD. You may select any disk track 1-24.
RIGHT TRACK Selects which track of the source project will be recorded as the right
track on the CD. You may select any disk track 1-24.
v1.6 Operator’s Manual